Respect Not Thou Their Offering


“And Moses was very wroth, and said unto the LORD, Respect not thou their offering: I have not taken one ass from them, neither have I hurt one of them.” (Numbers 16:15)

Moses prayer was for Dathan and Abiram, who were a part of Korah’s rebellion (Numbers 16). These men questioned the leadership, both Moses and the priesthood, and believed they too could serve in positions they considered to be elite.

Moses reminded Korah that his family was chosen to do the service of the tabernacle, which was a great honor (16:9). This apparently was not good enough for them. He would not listen. Furthermore, we see that Dathan and Abiram would not even come to Moses to talk to him when summoned. Their hearts were too hard, and there was no turning back.

This is when we get to Moses’ prayer in 16:15. This should be disturbing to us. Moses had previously begged God to pardon Israel for rebellion, as was the case with the golden calf in Exodus 32:11-14. But there comes a point where intercession does no good... they will not change. And if Moses, as the mediator between God and Israel, would not go to God on their behalf, who would?

Jesus is now the great Mediator between God and humanity, and goes before God on our behalf. If you reject Christ, who will go to God on your behalf?