Servants of Righteousness (Romans 6:18)


Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. (Romans 6:18)

Jesus Christ died for sinners like you and me. We were saved from the penalty of sin; we will see neither the wrath to come on the earth nor eternal lake of fire. Jesus paid the debt for all our sin.

However, He also made us servants of righteousness. He saved us to a new life. Once slaves of sin, we now serve a new risen Master. He made us free from the bondage of sin. We must believe this as fact just as much as we believe that the Lord paid for the penalty of sin. Realizing this and yielding ourselves to Him makes this truth real to us in our experience.

Everyone is a slave. We are either slaves to sin or slaves to Jesus Christ and His righteousness. We were made free from our former master, sin. Our new Master has made us free for His service.