Position of Grace


There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit (Romans 8:1)

Have you thought about this lately? God no longer condemns us... Paul says this after documenting lengthy dilemma of trying to do what is right and finding that he can only do what is wrong. This verse is a liberating thought...

But all people are in the same boat. I think about all of the terrible things that are happening, from natural disasters, to a suffering economy, to the many injustices that are preventable in this world. People, including myself, are always quick to point the finger at someone to blame, how things could have been handled better... There are always people that are under our condemnation. Remember the Lord who forgave our ten thousand-talent debt. This will keep the hundred pence our brother owes us in perspective.

Surely these are troubling times, and this is an opportunity to trust in the God who sustains this universe and everything in it. He is the one who handled our biggest problem: our enmity with God and our inability to do anything about it. Christ’s death on the cross and subsequent resurrection rescued us from the hopelessness we once knew. No matter what happens, we can be assured of God’s love for us that cannot be undone.