When I Began to Trust Jesus


I grew up non-religious. I went to church a little bit when I was little, mainly only for Sunday school and to sing in a choir. I never trusted Christ there, and do not really remember much.

I was an only child, and grew up in a neighborhood where there were few children. I quickly learned to be an isolated introvert. All the kids at school loved sports and I hated sports. That forced me even more into an isolated world.

Surrounded by movies and video games that were saturated with witchcraft, I began to create and “tell” stories that were inspired by what I had seen. I came to a place where I believed that I had the ability to use magic. I worshipped the devil, and didn’t even know it.

Moreover, I began competitive swimming when I was nine years old, and turned out to be pretty good. I thought this sport would bring me acceptance among others, and it gave meaning to my life. It became a god that I served over 30 hours a week.

When I was in my teens, my cousin and close friend started becoming open about his Christian religion. Because of my high respect for him, I automatically respected Christianity. I went to church and youth group a few times. When he left for college, I stopped going to these gatherings, and thrust myself fully back into the religion I had created for myself. However, it left me broken, empty and painfully alone. My swimming championship during my senior year was also a major failure.

My cousin returned home and continued sharing his faith with me. Shortly before I left for college, I trusted Jesus Christ and his work on the cross, and the subsequent empty tomb, and was saved.

This was only the beginning of my journey.

Next: If You Run Like Jonah, You’re Bound To Find a Whale