Six Hundred Threescore and Six


And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:16-18)

For centuries, there has been a lot of speculation about what this mark of the beast could be, and the significance of the number 666. I cannot say with certainty that I know what these things are. However, in our time, we can see what it could possibly represent.

Let us look at what we can know by reading this passage. The “he” who is the subject of this paragraph is a false prophet who is causing the world to worship the Antichrist. One of the ways he does this is by requiring people to get this “mark.” There is nothing we can know about this mark from the context.

This mark, whatever it is, will be in everyone’s hand or in their forehead. Somehow, this mark will be the only way for monetary transactions to take place. No other financial transactions will take place other than by these marks that people will possess.

With this information, how do you think this would be implemented today? If the Antichrist came to power in our lifetime, how could you see this happen?

For us, living in a technological age, we can easily see how this might be implemented. We could see this as some sort of embedded system within the human body. If you have noticed, technology has been getting more portable. We went from the desktop computer to the laptop, and then the smartphone. The smartphone has its own operating system and network connection and can do everything your computer can do. Then there are wearables, like the smartwatch. What do you think is next? An embedded system in you.

We are living in a world where more and more things are being connected to the Internet, which we call the Internet of Things. Some can control their home thermostats and appliances remotely, and this will increase in the future. More than likely, people also will be connected to the Internet in the future. “You mean, all of our things will be connected to the Internet.” No, you will be connected to the Internet. You know it is coming. And if this is what the mark of the beast is, then one day it will be required by the worldwide government of the Antichrist.

Whatever the mark is, it will be tied to buying and selling, and it will be the way the Antichrist will bring everyone out of hiding to worship him or to be put to death. Imagine a time where you could not buy anything... not food, clothing, shelter, etc. It will be a terrible time for anyone who stands up for what is right. You know the worthless fiat currency we have today is going the way of the dinosaur.

I am not anti-technology, as I work in the tech field. However, at some point we will need to draw the line. There is a huge push for us to always be connected, because the devil’s endgame is to bring everything and everyone together for this very purpose to dominate the world, uniting them in opposition against God. This is to serve you as a warning... I may not be sure of how all of it will play out, but mark my words, this stuff is coming, and it is not for the benefit of the common man.