Narrow is the Way


Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:14)

The strait gate refers to the exclusivity of Christ alone being the way of salvation, and that there are few people who are truly saved (see also Luke 13:23-24). Despite the huge numbers of churches that we see in our society, few people truly are saved. It does not make us comfortable to think this way, but it is a fact.

We do not want to be ignorant that the strait gate is paired with the narrow way. Many have told themselves that because they superstitiously uttered some “sinner’s prayer” at some time in the distant past, they are saved. However, their lives were left unchanged. A saved person is a new creature with a new way of living.

An encounter with Jesus Christ will not leave you unchanged. When you enter the strait gate, you begin walking on the narrow way. They are paired together. You cannot have the strait gate without the narrow way.