Surely I Come Quickly (Revelation 22:20)


He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20)

We do not know when Jesus will return. However, we do know that when the events of the end begin, they will come in rapid succession. Moreover, while it is not for us to know when Jesus will return, we should be ready to meet Him at any moment. No one knows when life will end.

Revelation 22:20 shows us something else. While we do not know the hour of His return, we should eagerly embrace His return. We should not want His return to delay because we have some agenda we want to complete first, even if it is with godly motivation. Eagerly await His return. Live your life today like this is the last day you have. Live in light of eternity. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.