He Knoweth Them that Trust in Him (Nahum 1:7)


The Lord delivered news of destruction to Nineveh by Nahum. Years before, the Lord had sent Jonah to Nineveh via a whale, and they repented with gusto. However, this time God sent Nahum, and there is no indication of a deliverance for Nineveh. The next generations of Ninevites after Jonah had forgotten the Lord. Like Belshazzar, who was expected to know about Nebuchadnezzar’s repentance, the Ninevites were also expected to remember their ancestors’ repentance at the preaching of Jonah.

Amid much bad news, there was the promise the Lord knows those who were His. There were people in Nineveh that remembered the Lord and trusted in Him:

The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. (Nahum 1:7)

Whatever tidings the Lord has for us in these times, He still “knoweth them that trust in him.”