And the LORD Said Unto Joshua


“And the LORD said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?” (Joshua 7:10)

So Achan son of Carmi had taken of the accursed items because of his own covetousness. This one action caused the entire nation of Israel to fail at Ai. We can learn a little bit from Achan.

Our sins hurt other people. This one action caused about 36 men to perish. His selfishness caused the demise of other people!

Our sins have consequences in our own lives. Achan received the death penalty because of his actions, all because of the world’s rubbish, which will perish one day.

Our sins hinder God’s will. God wanted to use Israel to judge the nations of Canaan and to establish a people for Himself. But God cannot overlook wickedness; His very character will not do it. He may want to use us, but if we willfully reject God, how can His holy presence abide in us to use us as the ambassadors He wants us to be?

But when we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, and have guaranteed forgiveness when we confess our sins. Until then, He says to us, “Get thee up, wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?”