Ahijah the Shilonite


Ahijah the Shilonite was the prophet who brought the word of the LORD concerning the rise (1 Kings 11:29-40) and fall (1 Kings 14:1-18) of Jeroboam son of Nebat.

Ahijah told Jeroboam, whom Solomon had put over the tribes of Joseph (1 Kings 11:28), that he would be king over the 10 northern tribes of Israel (1 Kings 11:31).

When Jeroboam came to power over the 10 tribes of Israel, he made false gods so the people would not return to Jerusalem to worship, thinking he would consolidate his power (1 Kings 12:25-33).

When his son became sick, Jeroboam sent his wife disguised to Ahijah to get advice. Ahijah was the one who had the word of the LORD, and the king knew that his base priests of his false gods would not have the answers. Ahijah, now an old man and blind, knew it was the wife of Jeroboam upon her arrival, and told her that his son would die upon her return (1 Kings 14:12; fulfilled 1 Kings 14:17) and that his family would be destroyed and would lose the kingdom (1 Kings 14:14; fulfilled 1 Kings 15:29).

In the life of Ahijah the Shilonite, the word of the LORD established and dethroned Jeroboam son of Nebat.