Mount Sinai


Mount Sinai is a mountain in Arabia: “For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children” (Galatians 4:25). There is a place in Egypt which is called Sinai, and there is a mountain there where scholars say could be the original Mount Sinai where the Ten Commandments were given. However, the Bible says that this is not the case.

There have been some that have claimed they found the real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Maybe they are right. You would think that if they had found the real one, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia would have opened the mount up as a tourist attraction and started charging admission! Who knows? However, as Paul said to the Galatians, we should not be looking back to Sinai. We need to look to Jesus Christ, and Him crucified and risen again, for our hope. This world is passing away, and we look to Jesus, not the law, for eternal life.