A Lively Hope


“His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3)

A certain future looms in the future for every living thing: death. Every person, man and woman, rich and poor, regardless of where they are from, is destined to die because of sin. Death was a punishment for Adam’s sin, and since he was the first man, all of his descendants were born sinners and face the same fate. And after death, there is the second death (Revelation 20:14), a certain expectation of judgment before God. But Jesus, the perfect Son of God, paid the price for our sin. And if He remained dead, then death would have the last word, and we would have no hope (1 Corinthians 15:19).

One the third day after His resurrection, He rose from the dead, was seen by numerous witnesses, and went up into heaven. We too will share in the promise of the resurrection if we trust in Jesus. We will have life forever. This is the good news that is guaranteed by Jesus’ victory over death.

For those who die and know the Lord, they will be “absent” from the body, but present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). In the end, all people will be resurrected bodily as the Lord Jesus was. Those who know Him will be in His kingdom in the flesh, and those who do not know Him will be separated from His kingdom in the flesh.

Jesus suffered more than we can ever know in order for us to be saved. He suffered foreseeing the grand result of the resurrection and human salvation. If you put your trust in Him, despite the pain and suffering that characterizes this world, you can look forward to a glorious life forever in His kingdom.