Galilean Fishermen


When a pair of fishermen was on trial, the priests were amazed at the things that they were saying. How could those “unlearned and ignorant men” (Acts 4:13) speak in such ways? They must have thought, “How do they have the boldness to quote the Scriptures to us, the monopoly on religious authority?”

It is amazing what God can do in the lives of ordinary people. That is what most of us are: not the wealthy, not the powerful, not the scholarly... we are Galilean fishermen. Frankly, this is what we need to be. If we are anything else, we tend to place our faith in whatever asset we possess. Jesus Christ did not come to earth to be one of the elite rabbis, but He associated with the humble, the weak, and the outcast. Let our hearts be the same as we go about our day.