The Irruption Daily 2021


  1. Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15)2021-12-31
  2. The Value of Human Life2021-12-30
  3. Races and Nations2021-12-29
  4. Traducianism vs. Creationism2021-12-28
  5. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part III2021-12-27
  6. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part II2021-12-26
  7. Spirit and Soul and Body, Part I2021-12-25
  8. The Image of God, Part III2021-12-24
  9. The Image of God, Part II2021-12-23
  10. The Image of God, Part I2021-12-22
  11. Biblical Anthropology2021-12-21
  12. Jesus Establishes His Kingdom2021-12-20
  13. Only One (Isaiah 43:10-11)2021-12-19
  14. A Literal, Historical Adam2021-12-18
  15. Rabshakeh2021-12-17
  16. Jesus Is God2021-12-16
  17. Eliakim the Son of Hilkiah2021-12-15
  18. Wheat Penny (Revelation 6:5-6)2021-12-14
  19. Confirm You Unto The End2021-12-13
  20. The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-3)2021-12-12
  21. Love Is Strong as Death (Song of Solomon 8:6-7)2021-12-11
  22. What We’re Saved To2021-12-10
  23. I Don’t Need to Be Saved2021-12-09
  24. Having Then Gifts (Romans 12:6)2021-12-08
  25. Thy Thoughts Shall Be Established (Proverbs 16:3)2021-12-07
  26. The Ministry of the False Prophet2021-12-06
  27. The Antichrist2021-12-05
  28. One World Empire2021-12-04
  29. A Restored Israel2021-12-03
  30. The Last Seven Years2021-12-02
  31. Hypocrites2021-12-01
  32. The Feast of Dedication2021-11-30
  33. A Falling Away in the End Times2021-11-29
  34. As Long As You’re Sincere2021-11-28
  35. Jesus Wept2021-11-27
  36. Guilty of All2021-11-26
  37. The Man of Thy Right Hand (A Story of Thanksgiving)2021-11-25
  38. Your Biggest Need2021-11-24
  39. No New Thing Under the Sun2021-11-23
  40. Jesus Christ Past, Present, Future2021-11-22
  41. Isn’t It Odd?2021-11-21
  42. The Prayers of Jesus2021-11-20
  43. None Else2021-11-19
  44. The Thief on the Cross2021-11-18
  45. Who Made God?2021-11-17
  46. Narrow Escape2021-11-16
  47. The Bereans2021-11-15
  48. A New Opportunity2021-11-14
  49. Abandon Your Assumptions2021-11-13
  50. Kicking Against the Pricks2021-11-12
  51. The Hezekiah Mindset2021-11-11
  52. Selfishness2021-11-10
  53. Take a Stand2021-11-09
  54. More Good Than Bad2021-11-08
  55. Identity in the Church2021-11-07
  56. The Sword of the Lord2021-11-06
  57. The Gospel, Short and Sweet2021-11-05
  58. He Will Be Found2021-11-04
  59. Thou Exceedest the Fame That I Heard2021-11-03
  60. Saints2021-11-02
  61. Wipe Away All Tears2021-11-01
  62. My Yoke Is Easy, and My Burden Is Light2021-10-31
  63. No Adventure Like the Word2021-10-30
  64. Blocked Goals2021-10-29
  65. Mine Own Hand Hath Saved Me2021-10-28
  66. It Is So Important2021-10-27
  67. Pilate and Herod2021-10-26
  68. Do Good Works Save?2021-10-25
  69. No Other Identity2021-10-24
  70. Shadow of Heavenly Things2021-10-23
  71. The High Places Were Not Removed2021-10-22
  72. Resurrection Power, Fellowship of Suffering2021-10-21
  73. Praise for Ending School2021-10-20
  74. Morning Prayer and Its Benefits2021-10-19
  75. A Life of Learning2021-10-18
  76. Bethesda vs. Siloam2021-10-17
  77. Ministry on the Web2021-10-16
  78. Ministry to Your Children2021-10-15
  79. Practice Truth in Everything2021-10-14
  80. I Could Not Stay2021-10-13
  81. Why Didn’t God Create Us Perfect?2021-10-12
  82. Narrow is the Way2021-10-11
  83. But Thou, Bethlehem Ephratah2021-10-10
  84. Come and See2021-10-09
  85. Who Do You Really Trust In?2021-10-08
  86. Too Bad to Be Saved2021-10-07
  87. Love2021-10-06
  88. Footprints Revisited2021-10-05
  89. Faith2021-10-04
  90. Hope2021-10-03
  91. The Thermometer and the Medicine2021-10-02
  92. East and West2021-10-01
  93. A Heroine, A Hero2021-09-30
  94. Stumblingblock of the Resurrection2021-09-29
  95. First Resurrection, Second Death2021-09-28
  96. The Likeness of His Resurrection2021-09-27
  97. Dieth No More2021-09-26
  98. The Advocate2021-09-25
  99. I Am the Resurrection, and the Life2021-09-24
  100. Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee2021-09-23
  101. A Physical Resurrection2021-09-22
  102. Was Jesus’ Body Stolen?2021-09-21
  103. The Convinced Disciples2021-09-20
  104. Agreement on the Empty Tomb2021-09-19
  105. Early Testimony of the Resurrection2021-09-18
  106. Mary Magdalene2021-09-17
  107. Saul, Who Also Is Called Paul2021-09-16
  108. James the Lord’s Brother2021-09-15
  109. These That Have Turned the World Upside Down2021-09-14
  110. The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth2021-09-13
  111. Having Loosed the Pains of Death2021-09-12
  112. I Sit a Queen, and Am No Widow2021-09-11
  113. There Is Another King, One Jesus2021-09-10
  114. Treasure in Pottery2021-09-09
  115. Camel Squeezing2021-09-08
  116. Sword of the Spirit, Word of God2021-09-07
  117. Your Life is Hid with Christ2021-09-06
  118. For Ye Are Dead2021-09-05
  119. Not My Will, but Thine, Be Done2021-09-04
  120. Jeremiah, Zechariah, Silver, and the Field2021-09-03
  121. Birthdays2021-09-02
  122. Do Not Trust Yourself2021-09-01
  123. The Second Is Like unto It2021-08-31
  124. The Prayers That Matter, Part III: Confession of Strength2021-08-30
  125. Intercession for the Transgressors2021-08-29
  126. Do Exploits2021-08-28
  127. A Memorial of Her2021-08-27
  128. Departed Without Being Desired2021-08-26
  129. The King Eternal2021-08-25
  130. Lord, Lord2021-08-24
  131. The Great Commandment in the Law2021-08-23
  132. He Is Coming Back2021-08-22
  133. We Henceforth Be No More Children2021-08-21
  134. Seems Right, But It’s Death2021-08-20
  135. Thank God for Low Self-Esteem2021-08-19
  136. Father, Forgive Them2021-08-18
  137. The Renewing of Your Mind2021-08-17
  138. Thou Shalt Meditate Therein2021-08-16
  139. In Every Thing Give Thanks2021-08-15
  140. Pray Without Ceasing2021-08-14
  141. Rejoice Evermore2021-08-13
  142. Pulling Down of Strong Holds2021-08-12
  143. God Is Love2021-08-11
  144. Whom the Lord Loveth He Chasteneth2021-08-10
  145. Jesus Knows Me, I Know Him2021-08-09
  146. Without Blemish2021-08-08
  147. Do Not Sound a Trumpet2021-08-07
  148. Let Thy Servant Abide Instead2021-08-06
  149. They Are Without Excuse2021-08-05
  150. Not Performance2021-08-04
  151. In Earth, as It is in Heaven2021-07-27
  152. Jerusalem in Revelation2021-07-26
  153. Thou Must Prophesy Again2021-07-25
  154. For Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing2021-07-24
  155. Boldness in the Day of Judgment2021-07-22
  156. Tree of Life, Prince of Life2021-07-21
  157. Christ Hath Suffered for Us in the Flesh2021-07-20
  158. The Law of the Spirit of Life2021-07-19
  159. Thoughts About Grace2021-07-18
  160. Was Jesus’ Crucifixion a Real Sacrifice?2021-07-17
  161. Temple of the Holy Spirit2021-07-16


A (mostly) complete list of all writings.