None Else


The phrase there is none else appears nine times in the Bible: Deuteronomy 4:35, 39; 1 Kings 8:60; Isaiah 45:5, 6, 14, 18, 22; 46:9. Every time, it is used regarding God. The bottom line is that there is no other god like the Creator God.

In Deuteronomy 4, Moses reviewed what had happened in Egypt, 40 years before. All the signs and wonders the Lord performed and the amazing rescue he wrought were done so that they might know there is no one else to trust in but the Lord.

In 1 Kings 8, Solomon offered prayers and sacrifices at the dedication of the Temple. His prayer was offered so that “all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else” (1 Kings 8:60).

The phrase is most used in Isaiah 45 and 46. Here are some observations:

  • The anointing of Cyrus to reestablish his people was done so that people would know “there is none else.” Cyrus may not have known Him, but he was used so that His people would know “there is none else.”
  • The surrounding nations would come to His people Israel once it was reestablished so that they would know “there is none else.”
  • God created the entire world and filled it. No other “god” has done this. “There is none else.”
  • God is the only one who can save His people. “There is none else.”
  • Other so-called gods are created entities that cannot save. His people are to remember this, for “there is none else.”
  • The entire world was created to show the handiwork and splendor of God. There is none else. If you are waiting for another god, another savior, another reason to live, there isn’t. There is one Creator. He created everything for His purposes. He is able to and desires to save everyone.