In Every Thing Give Thanks


In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Whenever you see words like “everything” or “all,” do not ignore them. Likewise, we are told here by the Holy Spirit to give thanks in all things. When discussing rejoicing a few days ago, we discussed reasons to rejoice, even for persecutions and temptations. After that, we considered praying all the time. Now we are told to give thanks in all things. Combine rejoicing and praying, and it sort of sounds like thanksgiving! We tell God that we are thankful for what He has accomplished in our lives. This is the “will of God in Christ Jesus” for us. This is His desire for us.

In Sunday school this morning, we heard how Paul went through a grievous voyage by sea (Acts 27). However, God had a specific plan for Paul to safely make it to Rome to testify of the gospel of Jesus Christ before Caesar. Later, Paul died for the faith. He always had the “desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better” (Philippians 1:23). He knew the Lord was behind his circumstances, and whatever the result, he could be thankful. All the troubles we have make our faith stronger (Romans 5:3-5).

We can be thankful because our biggest need has been met by God: We have been made right with Him because of Jesus Christ. Everything must be seen in light of eternity.

This is the third perspective in the pulling down of strong holds.