The Last Seven Years


Considering many current events, many people wonder if Christ’s return is soon. It is not anyone’s place to say for sure. However, there are many events that will happen in the last seven years before Jesus establishes His kingdom on earth. I would like to say some words on some of these events. While the timing of some of the events is controversial among fellow Christians, the events in themselves are not.

There is also a lot of room to get so preoccupied with this that it will usurp attention away from Christ Himself. We do not want to do this. The major takeaway from future events is the glorious appearing of our Lord. He will return, and this is wonderful news.

Here are some events that will happen in the last seven years (or longer): A restored Israel with control of Jerusalem and a rebuilt Temple, a single world government with a world leader that will impersonate Christ, a cashless society, wars and natural disasters, great tribulation, heavenly signs, the rapture, the wrath of God, the defeat of the Antichrist’s rival, Jewish repentance toward Christ, the completion of the great commission, and the establishment of the kingdom. I will look at some of these (not so comprehensively and quite possibly imperfectly). These are not necessarily in order, as there is overlap and many unknowns and disagreements, and I certainly do not have all the answers.

A few things to consider: The faithfulness of God to fulfill future prophecy is confirmed in the great number of prophecies that are already fulfilled. Also, a few of these things have already been set up or could easily come to pass quickly.

While we can get overly preoccupied with these things, there is also the danger of completely ignoring these things as well. The Lord Himself tells us when speaking of the end times, “Take heed lest any man deceive you” (Mark 13:5) and “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37).

  1. A Restored Israel
  2. One World Empire
  3. The Antichrist
  4. The Ministry of the False Prophet
  5. Wars and Natural Disasters
  6. The Great Tribulation
  7. Wonders in the Heavens
  8. The Rapture
  9. The Wrath of God
  10. Mystery, Babylon the Great
  11. The Remnant Were Affrighted
  12. End-Times Missions: Then Shall the End Come
  13. Jesus Establishes His Kingdom