It Is So Important


It is so important to know Jesus Christ, for He is the only way to eternal life.

It is so important to proclaim Him wherever you go, because there is no other way to be saved.

It is so important to tell your children this path to life, for they do not inherit your salvation.

It is so important to serve Him with your life, for the world loves to expose a hypocrite.

It is so important to renew your mind daily on the things of Christ, for the battle for your spiritual life begins and ends in your mind.

It is so important to die daily to selfish ambition, for the things of this world will soon perish.

It is so important to be in church, for she is the body and bride of Christ (bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh).

It is so important to know the Bible, for from it the Lord speaks.

It is so important to be heavenly minded, for that is the only way to be earthly good.

It is so important to have a huge vision, for God is huge and can accomplish huge things.

It is so important to have confidence in His return, for He is certainly coming.

It is so important to realize that one day you will stand before His glorious judgment seat (or great white throne?).

It is so important to consider that this may be the last day of your life.

It is so important to have Him as a crutch, for better an eternal crutch than a feeble crutch of this world.

It is so important to have all your eggs in His basket.

It is so important to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

It is so important.

For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. (James 4:14)