More Than a Crutch


“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).

People often criticize God or religion as being a “crutch” for the weak-minded. Maybe you are one of these people. Let me first say that the saying is partially true! I will clarify this is a moment, but first, let me point out crutches that other people have, perhaps one of your own.

People mostly seem to want security and happiness in western culture. These are first and foremost the primary crutches. So all of our sub-crutches that prop us up have a foundation on these. Wealth is such a sub-crutch. Education and prestigious jobs are too. However, these can always be taken away in an instance. What do you do then? What would you do if one day you face anarchy? What would you do if your home was taken away? What do you do when it feels like even the ground beneath your feet seems to be pulled out from underneath you?

That is when God is all you have. If God really exists, and if He is the good, personal, all-powerful Creator, then He is the superior crutch that holds up. But even that is a poor example. He is the hand that pulls our lifeless carcasses out of eternal death and gives us real, eternal life. If you trust that Jesus Christ died in your place for your sins, and rose again, then He is the Savior that does just that.

Where will you be in 100 years, and what service will your crutch provide for you then?