Christ and the Church


For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-32)

Marriage represents the relationship between the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church. When the Spirit places a quotation from Genesis 2:24 in the above passage, we must go back to see everything in the original passage. Here, I will discuss some of the prefiguring of this relationship in Genesis 2. Let us consider the analogy.

  1. No suitable companion. Adam looked at the animals God created, yet there was no true companion among them. Among the nations of the world, there was no one righteous that was a suitable companion for Jesus. Genesis 2:18-20
  2. Slept and wounded. Adam had to sleep and be wounded for God to create a wife from his own body. The woman who was created was in the likeness of Adam. Jesus slept the sleep of death. In His death, we were given life. The church was created and given life only through His death. Genesis 2:21
  3. Healed. Adam’s wound was closed. He would not be able to enjoy his beautiful bride otherwise. Christ was raised from the dead, as the bride, His church, would be without a groom. Genesis 2:21-22
  4. Satisfaction. Adam was satisfied when he looked on his wife, who was like him. The animals could not be that help meet for him. Jesus was satisfied when He looked on His church, who was like Him. The sinful nations of the world could not be a help meet for Him. Genesis 2:23
  5. Leaving and cleaving. A man leaves his parents to be forever joined to his wife. Jesus left His Father to be forever joined to His wife, the church. Genesis 2:23
  6. No covering. Before sin entered the world, Adam and his wife (Eve) were not covered and were without shame. When they sinned, they needed animal skins to cover their shame. Animals served as a sacrifice. With Jesus, there is no shame and there is no sin. Jesus was the sacrifice that took these things away. Genesis 2:25

Here are a few comments on the above observations. See how Adam had dominion over the animals but was not satisfied with them being a helper or a companion. When God created something out of Adam in his likeness, Adam found his companion. Eve did not do anything to make herself acceptable to Adam. He saw her, and said, “This is now bone of my bones” (Genesis 2:23). It is the same with Christ. The church was created out of Christ while He was asleep and wounded. It was a supernatural creation. The church did not do anything to become acceptable to Jesus. Jesus recognized that the church was created from Him and like Him and He was pleased.

The church cannot be separated from Christ. “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6). The church will never be forsaken by Jesus: “and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

For this reason, the Bible makes a big deal with deviations from Biblical marriage and sexual immorality. It is also why we as human beings, in our sin, desire something other than what God has designed. When you are married, remember that your union reflects that union of Jesus Christ and the church.