Guilty of All


What is our plight before God like?

Consider a plate of food, much like yesterday’s Thanksgiving holiday, with all your favorite things. It includes all the deserts that you love. Plunging a fork into that pile of goodness, the first bite is about to reach your lips and the host stops you. Apparently, there is one speck of water from the toilet somewhere on that plate. It cannot be seen, but it is somewhere in there. There is no trash can far enough away to toss that plate.

Even one small drop ruins the whole thing, because if you ate any of it, you could get desperately sick.

That is what sin is like. Consider James 2:10: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all”. However, we all know that we cannot keep any Ten Commandments let alone the entire scope of laws found in the Bible. There is surely more than one drop on our plate.

However, that analogy does not go far enough. We also read, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). The nature of the sinner was passed down to us from our ancestors.

We “were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). Being dead, we are helpless to do anything about our situation. Without God’s intervention, we wait for Judgment Day and for an unfavorable verdict.

This is the need we have. We cannot change the verdict. Surely God must have a way to rescue us from this.

And He does. He sent His Son to receive the penalty that we deserved. He showed compassion on us.

We need the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is risen and is enthroned in heaven until a future time when He will return to judge the earth. His salvation is available freely to all. He paid for every sin of the human race. Have peace in your heart that He can and will save anyone who trusts in Him.

The old plate with its putrid dinner is thrown away, and a new plate of superior food is brought forth, ready to be eaten. And the plate never runs out.