Thou Must Prophesy Again


And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. (Revelation 10:11)

A mighty angel commanded this of John, probably when the apostle was in his 90s. Did you ever stop to think about this? You would think that after all those years, he would think about hanging up the ministry thing. After all, he was now exiled on Patmos. When is it ever enough?

In such a mighty encounter with an angel, it is certain that John carried out this commandment. He was going to preach to many diverse peoples. We might not know who they are today, but John’s life of service was not over. Many people were impacted by the preaching of John.

If you still have life in your body, you are not done serving the Lord. And even then, you’re still not done.