A Memorial of Her


There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat. (Matthew 26:7)

We know that this woman was Mary, the sister of Lazarus (John 11:2), and the Pharisees deemed her a “sinner” (Luke 7:37). The disciples, especially Judas Iscariot, complained about the waste of expense that could have been spent on the poor (John 12:5).

Jesus makes a couple of things clear: this action would be recounted wherever the gospel would be preached (Matthew 26:13). Also, though she did this for His burial, Luke’s account states that she did this because her many sins were forgiven, and therefore, she loved much (Luke 7:47). This expensive ointment was likely of great cost to her, but she used it on the Lord.

Why would this story be “preached in the whole world” as “a memorial of her” (Matthew 26:13)? This may be the reason this story is included in all four gospels. It is somewhat rare for a narrative to be included all four times. But I think there is something else.

If we truly see Christ for the Savior He is, and our need for forgiveness of sins, we will spare no expense in honoring Him publicly. That may include the loss of prized possessions, as it did with Mary. It may cause rebuke from other “spiritual” people. However, seeing our need for Jesus Christ will change our priorities, and we will have no shame in proclaiming our allegiance to Him before the world.