Narrow Escape


Imagine an innocent man who was scheduled to be executed. However, in the nick of time, the same was delivered by God miraculously and wondrously. This was the story of Mordecai.

Haman, the chief prince, was on the king’s doorstep about to ask for an executive order for Mordecai’s death. Right before, the king was stirring in his sleep, then asked for the chronicles to be read to him, and remembered that Mordecai had saved his life. Haman received an order to honor the very man he wanted dead.

For us, we also were condemned before God, but at just the right time in human history, Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, came and saved us miraculously and wondrously. His vicarious death delivered us from God’s wrath. His resurrection gave us new life. Jesus provided for us a narrow escape superior to the escape of Mordecai.

And Mordecai came again to the king’s gate. But Haman hasted to his house mourning, and having his head covered. (Esther 6:12)