Biblical Anthropology


Why did God create human beings? What is the purpose of human life? If you assume there is no God, the question is an absurdity and not helpful. However, if you assume a Creator, it makes all the difference in the world.

The Bible tells us the purpose of human life:

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11)

Even without this indication, if there is a Creator and He is a volitional, purposeful Being, then you know He created us because He wanted to. What are the implications of this?

This post will commence a short series on biblical anthropology. Some topics will include being in the image of God, dichotomy vs. trichotomy, traducianism vs. creationism, the concept of races, and the value of human life.

Having a right view of humankind in light of God is important to understanding so many subjects, such sin and salvation. More to come.

  1. The Image of God | Pt II | Pt III
  2. Spirit and Soul and Body | Pt II | Pt III
  3. Traducianism vs. Creationism
  4. Races and Nations
  5. The Value of Human Life

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