Prosperity Gospel


Here is an interesting article entitled Foreclosures: Did God Want You to Get That Mortgage?

Unfortunately for those who had the mindset that God wants us to be rich, the Bible promises a life of suffering for Christ. First century Christians were ousted from the synagogues, therefore being put out of the community. This was tantamount to being put out of whatever business you were in.

God can and does bless us with material blessing. He provides us with what we need, and often goes well over and beyond that. But to go in over one’s head in debt is another story. Paul says in Romans 13:8, “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another...” Paul also learned “in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Philippians 4:11). If you are a disciple of Christ and your desires are for great material wealth, big houses, fancy cars, etc., then you are in the wrong Faith. But more importantly, I would also say that your real desires are for things that wealth cannot satisfy; our innermost being can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ.


For Filthy Lucre’s Sake