Old Testament Outline


[Genesis] [Exodus] [Leviticus] [Numbers] [Deuteronomy] [Joshua] [Judges] [Ruth] [1 Samuel]


  1. God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1-31)
  2. God rests on the seventh day (Genesis 2:1-3)
  3. God plants the garden and creates Adam (Genesis 2:4-15)
  4. God commands concerning the trees (Genesis 2:16-17)
  5. God creates the woman (Genesis 2:18-25)
  6. The temptation, sin, and fall of humankind (Genesis 3:1-7)
  7. The pronouncement of judgment (Genesis 3:8-24)
  8. Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-15)
  9. The civilizations of Cain and Seth (Genesis 4:16-26)
  10. The antediluvian genealogy (Genesis 5:1-32)
  11. The wickedness of the world (Genesis 6:1-8)
  12. The command concerning the ark (Genesis 6:9-22)
  13. Noah and his family enter the ark and the flood begins (Genesis 7:1-24)
  14. Noah and his family get off the ark and sacrifice to the LORD. (Genesis 8:1-22)
  15. The Noahic Covenant (Genesis 9:1-17)
  16. Canaan’s curse (Genesis 9:18-29)
  17. Noah’s descendants in the Table of Nations (Genesis 10:1-32)
  18. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
  19. Genealogy from Shem to Abram (Genesis 11:10-26)
  20. Terah and his family leave Ur for Haran (Genesis 11:27-32)
  21. The calling of Abram (Genesis 12:1-3)
  22. Abram goes to and sojourns in Canaan (Genesis 12:4-9)
  23. Abram goes to Egypt during the famine and lies to Pharaoh about Sarai (Genesis 12:10-20)
  24. Lot departs from Abram and settles near Sodom (Genesis 13:1-13)
  25. Abram settles in the plain of Mamre (Genesis 13:14-18)
  26. The battle of the kings (Genesis 14:1-16)
  27. Abram, Melchizedek, and the king of Sodom (Genesis 14:17-24)
  28. Abram believes in the LORD, and the LORD cuts a covenant with him (Genesis 15:1-21)
  29. Abraham, Hagar, and the birth of Ishmael (Genesis 16:1-16)
  30. The institution of circumcision (Genesis 17:1-23)
  31. Abraham’s three visitors (Genesis 18:1-33)
  32. Lot’s family rescued from Sodom, and Sodom and surrounding cities were destroyed (Genesis 19:1-29)
  33. Lot has sons from his daughters, who were the fathers of the nations of Moab and Ammon (Genesis 19:30-38)
  34. Abraham sojourned in Gerar and lied about Sarah being his sister (Genesis 20:1-18)
  35. The birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:1-7)
  36. The casting out of Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis 21:8-21)
  37. Abraham’s and Abimelech’s oath (Genesis 21:22-33)
  38. Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)
  39. Abraham’s relatives (Genesis 22:20-24)
  40. The death of Sarah and her burial in the cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23:1-20)
  41. Abraham’s servant obtains a wife, Rebekah, for Isaac (Genesis 24:1-67)
  42. Abraham’s sons by Keturah (Genesis 25:1-6)
  43. Abraham dies and is buried (Genesis 25:7-11)
  44. Ishmael’s death and record of his descendants (Genesis 25:12-18)
  45. The birth of Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-28)
  46. Esau sells his birthright (Genesis 25:29-34)
  47. Isaac strives with Abimelech king of Gerar (Genesis 26:1-33)
  48. The wives of Esau (Genesis 26:34-35)
  49. Jacob deceives Isaac and steals Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27:1-46)
  50. The LORD reveals Himself to Jacob at Bethel (Genesis 28:1-22)
  51. Jacob serves Laban and marries Leah and Rachel (Genesis 29:1-30)
  52. Leah bears Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah (Genesis 29:31-35)
  53. Bilhah bears Dan and Naphtali (Genesis 30:1-8)
  54. Zilpah bears Gad and Asher (Genesis 30:9-13)
  55. Leah bears Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah (Genesis 30:14-21)
  56. Rachel bears Joseph (Genesis 30:22-24)
  57. Jacob suggests his new wages to Laban (Genesis 30:25-43)
  58. Jacob flees from Laban and Laban pursues him, concluding in a covenant (Genesis 31:1-55)
  59. Jacob meets angels (Genesis 32:1-2)
  60. Jacob prepares to meet Esau with prayer to the LORD and sending a gift to his brother (Genesis 32:3-23)
  61. Jacob wrestles with a Man at Peniel (Genesis 32:24-32)
  62. Jacob reunites with Esau (Genesis 33:1-17)
  63. Jacob settles in Shalem in Shechem (Genesis 33:18-20)
  64. Shechem defiles Dinah, and Simeon and Levi retaliate by destroying the city (Genesis 34:1-31)
  65. Jacob and his company abandon idols and return to Bethel at the LORD’s command (Genesis 35:1-7)
  66. Rebekah’s nurse Deborah dies (Genesis 35:8)
  67. God reaffirms his covenant with Jacob at Bethel (Genesis 35:9-15)
  68. Rachel dies giving birth to Benjamin in Ephrath (Genesis 35:16-20)
  69. The sons of Jacob (Genesis 35:21-26)
  70. Isaac dies and is buried by Jacob and Esau (Genesis 35:27-29)
  71. The descendants of Esau (Genesis 36:1-19)
  72. The sons of Seir the Horite (Genesis 36:20-30)
  73. The kings that reigned in the land of Edom (Genesis 36:31-39)
  74. The dukes that came from Esau (Genesis 36:40-43)
  75. Joseph brings an evil report of his brothers and is hated (Genesis 37:1-4)
  76. Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37:5-11)
  77. Jacob sends Joseph to his brothers, but is captured and sold to the Ishmeelites and Midianites (Genesis 37:12-36)
  78. The record of Judah’s children and the story of Tamar (Genesis 38:1-30)
  79. Joseph prospers because of the LORD as Potiphar’s servant but is accused falsely by Potiphar’s wife and is arrested (Genesis 39:1-20)
  80. Joseph is imprisoned but thrives there because of the LORD (Genesis 39:21-23)
  81. The dreams of the imprisoned chief butler and chief baker are interpreted by Joseph and fulfilled (Genesis 40:1-23)
  82. Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams (Genesis 41:1-36)
  83. Pharaoh installs Joseph as governor in charge of gathering food for the upcoming famine (Genesis 41:37-49)
  84. Joseph’s sons Manasseh and Ephraim are born before the famine (Genesis 41:50-52)
  85. The famine begins and the storehouses are opened (Genesis 41:53-57)
  86. Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt the first time for food during the famine (Genesis 42:1-28)
  87. Joseph’s brothers return and report to their father Jacob (Genesis 42:29-38)
  88. Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt the second time for food during the famine while Judah is surety for his brother Benjamin (Genesis 43:1-23)
  89. Joseph dines with his brothers (Genesis 43:24-34)
  90. Benjamin is caught with Joseph’s silver cup while Judah defends him (Genesis 44:1-34)
  91. Joseph reveals himself to his brothers (Genesis 45:1-15)
  92. Joseph’s brothers return to Canaan for Jacob and give their father the news of Joseph (Genesis 45:16-28)
  93. God reassures Jacob to go to Egypt (Genesis 46:1-7)
  94. The list of the descendants of Jacob that went to Egypt (Genesis 46:8-27)
  95. Jacob meets his son Joseph and Joseph’s family is given instruction on how to address Pharaoh (Genesis 46:28-34)
  96. Five of Jacob’s sons address Pharaoh and Jacob blesses Pharaoh (Genesis 47:1-10)
  97. The Egyptian people surrender their money, flocks, and lands to Pharaoh in exchange for food (Genesis 47:11-26)
  98. Joseph swears to his father that he would not bury him in Egypt (Genesis 47:27-31)
  99. Jacob blesses Ephraim and Manasseh, sons of Joseph (Genesis 48:1-22)
  100. Jacob blesses his twelve sons (Genesis 49:1-28)
  101. Jacob tells his sons to bury him in the cave of Ephron the Hittite, then he dies (Genesis 49:29-33)
  102. Jacob is embalmed and buried in Canaan (Genesis 50:1-13)
  103. Joseph promises not to retaliate against his brothers (Genesis 50:14-21)
  104. Joseph sees his descendants then dies in Egypt (Genesis 50:22-26)


  1. The multiplying of Israel led to the Egyptian king subjugating them into hard labor (Exodus 1:1-14)
  2. The Hebrew midwives disobey the king’s command to slay the Hebrew boys (Exodus 1:15-22)
  3. The birth of Moses and his raising by Pharaoh’s daughter (Exodus 2:1-10)
  4. Moses slays an Egyptian and flees to Midian (Exodus 2:11-15)
  5. Moses delivers Reuel priest of Midian’s daughters from the shepherds, settles with them and marries Zipporah the priest’s daughter (Exodus 2:16-22)
  6. God prepares to act for his people Israel (Exodus 2:23-25)
  7. God appears in the burning bush to Moses in Horeb and commissions him to deliver the people (Exodus 3:1-22)
  8. Moses protests his assignment as the Israelites’ deliverer (Exodus 4:1-17)
  9. Moses returns to Egypt (Exodus 4:18-23)
  10. Moses escapes death when circumcising his son (Exodus 4:24-26)
  11. Moses meets Aaron and the elders of Israel (Exodus 4:27-31)
  12. Moses and Aaron told Pharaoh to release the people for a feast and Pharaoh makes their burdens heavier (Exodus 5:1-23)
  13. The LORD ensures that He will compel Pharaoh to release the people (Exodus 6:1-13)
  14. The genealogy of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 6:14-30)
  15. The LORD tells Moses that He will harden Pharaoh’s heart and gives instructions on how to address the king (Exodus 7:1-9)
  16. Aaron cast down his rod which became a serpent that ate the magicians’ rods made serpents (Exodus 7:10-13)
  17. The plague of waters becoming blood (Exodus 7:14-25)
  18. The plague of the frogs (Exodus 8:1-15)
  19. The plague of lice (Exodus 8:16-19)
  20. The plague of the swarms of flies (Exodus 8:20-32)
  21. The plague against the cattle (Exodus 9:1-7)
  22. The plague of the boils (Exodus 9:8-12)
  23. The plague of hail (Exodus 9:13-35)
  24. The plague of locusts (Exodus 10:1-20)
  25. The plague of darkness (Exodus 10:21-29)
  26. The LORD reveals the final plague as Moses leaves Pharaoh (Exodus 11:1-10)
  27. The Passover and feast of unleavened bread explained (Exodus 12:1-28)
  28. The plague of the first born (Exodus 12:29-30)
  29. The Israelites are thrust out of Egypt (Exodus 12:31-42)
  30. More of the Passover explained (Exodus 12:43-51)
  31. The memorial of the Passover and feast of unleavened explained (Exodus 13:1-10)
  32. The LORD explains the redemption of the firstborn (Exodus 13:11-16)
  33. The LORD leads the Israelites to the wilderness of the Red Sea (Exodus 13:17-22)
  34. The Egyptians pursue the Israelites (Exodus 14:1-12)
  35. The LORD delivers His people by parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:13-31)
  36. Moses’ song of deliverance (Exodus 15:1-19)
  37. Miriam’s song of deliverance (Exodus 15:20-21)
  38. The LORD heals and provides water at Marah (Exodus 15:22-26)
  39. The Israelites encamp at Elim (Exodus 15:27)
  40. The LORD gives the children of Israel manna, the bread from heaven, and gives instructions concerning it (Exodus 16:1-36)
  41. The people murmur for water and the LORD provides water from the rock in Rephidim, calling it Massah and Meribah (Exodus 17:1-7)
  42. Amalek fights against Israel and is defeated (Exodus 17:8-16)
  43. Jethro comes with Moses’ wife and children, giving advice concerning delegation of duties (Exodus 18:1-27)
  44. Israel settles in Sinai, and the LORD prepares them for His coming in three days (Exodus 19:1-25)
  45. The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)
  46. The people fear the LORD (Exodus 20:18-21)
  47. The LORD’s instruction concerning altars (Exodus 20:22-26)
  48. Laws concerning servants (Exodus 21:1-11)
  49. Laws concerning manslaughter, murder, and harm (Exodus 21:12-36)
  50. Laws concerning restitution (Exodus 22:1-15)
  51. Laws concerning fornication (Exodus 22:16-17)
  52. Various cases of capital punishment (Exodus 22:18-20)
  53. Laws concerning the downtrodden (Exodus 22:21-27)
  54. Laws concerning holiness and respect (Exodus 22:28-31)
  55. Laws concerning righteous judgment (Exodus 23:1-9)
  56. Laws concerning Sabbath days and years (Exodus 23:10-13)
  57. Laws concerning feats (Exodus 23:14-19)
  58. Commandments concerning the LORD’s Angel and entering the land (Exodus 23:20-33)
  59. Moses, Aaron, his sons and 70 elders worship with the blood of the covenant and saw the LORD (Exodus 24:1-11)
  60. Moses and Joshua go up to the cloud in the mount for 40 days and nights (Exodus 24:12-18)
  61. Instructions concerning the offering of the people for the tabernacle (Exodus 25:1-9)
  62. Instructions concerning the ark of the covenant (Exodus 25:10-16)
  63. Instructions concerning the mercy seat (Exodus 25:17-22)
  64. Instructions concerning the table and utensils (Exodus 25:23-30)
  65. Instructions concerning the candlestick (Exodus 25:31-40)
  66. Instructions concerning the tabernacle’s curtains, boards, bars, and vail (Exodus 26:1-37)
  67. Instructions concerning the altar and its utensils (Exodus 27:1-8)
  68. Instructions concerning the court of the tabernacle (Exodus 27:9-19)
  69. Instructions concerning the lamp oil and the lighting of the lamp (Exodus 27:20-21)
  70. Instructions concerning the priests’ holy garments: ephod, the curious girdle of the ephod, the onyx stones, the breastplate of judgment, mitre, coats, bonnets, breeches (Exodus 28:1-43)
  71. Instructions concerning the consecration of and sacrifices for the priests (Exodus 29:1-37)
  72. Instructions concerning the morning and evening offerings (Exodus 29:38-46)
  73. Instructions concerning the incense altar (Exodus 30:1-10)
  74. Instructions concerning the ransom for souls (Exodus 30:11-16)
  75. Instructions concerning the laver of brass (Exodus 30:17-21)
  76. Instructions concerning the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30:22-33)
  77. Instructions concerning the holy perfume (Exodus 30:34-38)
  78. The appointing of Bezaleel and Ahisamach as craftsmen (Exodus (31:1-11)
  79. The sabbaths are a sign of the covenant and violations bring capital punishment (Exodus 31:12-18)
  80. The children of Israel make a golden calf idol (Exodus 32:1-35)
  81. The tabernacle of congregation is pitched without the camp (Exodus 33:1-11)
  82. Moses to see the back of God’s glory (Exodus 33:12-23)
  83. Moses ascends the mount with two new tables and sees the LORD pass by (Exodus 34:1-9)
  84. The LORD gives various commandments to Moses and wrote the ten commandments on the new tables (Exodus 34:10-28)
  85. Moses’ face shines after speaking to the LORD, so he veiled himself (Exodus 34:29-35)
  86. Warnings concerning the Sabbath (Exodus 35:1-3)
  87. The request for the tabernacle offering (Exodus 35:4-19)
  88. The children of Israel give offerings for the tabernacle (Exodus 35:20-29)
  89. The LORD fills Bezaleel and Aholiab with wisdom for their craftsmanship (Exodus 35:30-35)
  90. The offering ceases because there is more than sufficient (Exodus 36:1-7)
  91. The tabernacle curtains are made (Exodus 36:8-38)
  92. Bezaleel makes the ark and mercy seat (Exodus 37:1-9)
  93. The table for shewbread is made (Exodus 37:10-16)
  94. The candlestick is made (Exodus 37:17-24)
  95. The incense altar is made (Exodus 37:25-28)
  96. The holy anointing oil is made (Exodus 37:29)
  97. The altar for burnt offering and its utensils are made (Exodus 38:1-7)
  98. The laver of brass is made (Exodus 38:8)
  99. The court of the tabernacle is made (Exodus 38:9-20)
  100. The summary of the tabernacle (Exodus 38:21-31)
  101. The priests’ garments are made (Exodus 39:1-31)
  102. The tabernacle is finished (Exodus 39:32-43)
  103. The tabernacle is erected (Exodus 40:1-33)
  104. The cloud, the glory of God, covered the tent of congregation and the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38)


  1. Instructions concerning the burnt offering (Leviticus 1:1-17)
  2. Instructions concerning the meat offering (Leviticus 2:1-11)
  3. Instructions concerning the oblation of the firstfruits (Leviticus 2:12-16)
  4. Instructions concerning the peace offering (Leviticus 3:1-17)
  5. Instructions concerning the sin offering for priests, the whole congregation, rulers, and common people (Leviticus 4:1-35)
  6. Instructions concerning the trespass offering for uncleanness (Leviticus 5:1-13)
  7. Instructions concerning the trespass offering concerning the holy things and the commandments (Leviticus 5:14-19)
  8. Instructions concerning the trespass offering for sins against one’s neighbor (Leviticus 6:1-7)
  9. The law of the burnt offering (Leviticus 6:8-13)
  10. The law of the meat offering (Leviticus 6:14-18)
  11. The offering of Aaron and his sons on the day of his anointing (Leviticus 6:19-23)
  12. The law of the sin offering (Leviticus 6:24-30)
  13. The law of the trespass offering (Leviticus 7:1-21)
  14. Dietary restrictions concerning fat and blood (Leviticus 7:22-27)
  15. Laws concerning peace offerings (Leviticus 7:28-38)
  16. Aaron and his sons put on the priests’ clothes and are consecrated, remaining in the tabernacle of the congregation seven days and nights (Leviticus 8:1-36)
  17. Aaron and sons prepare to see the LORD, and He appears and consumes the sacrifices (Leviticus 9:1-24)
  18. Nadab and Abihu offer strange fire, and the LORD destroys them (Leviticus 10:1-7)
  19. The LORD instructs Aaron to abstain from wine and strong drink (Leviticus 10:8-11)
  20. The commandment concerning the offerings and the reason why the sin offering was not eaten (Leviticus 10:12-20)
  21. Instruction concerning clean and unclean beasts (Leviticus 11:1-47)
  22. Laws concerning the cleansing after childbirth (Leviticus 12:1-8)
  23. Instruction concerning leprosy of the skin (Leviticus 13:1-46)
  24. Instruction concerning leprosy of the garment (Leviticus 13:47-59)
  25. Instruction concerning the cleansing of the leper (Leviticus 14:1-32)
  26. Instruction concerning leprosy in a house and its cleansing (Leviticus 14:33-57)
  27. Instruction concerning running issues, of seed and of blood, and their cleansing (Leviticus 15:1-33)
  28. Instructions concerning annually entering beyond the veil into the holy place on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:1-34)
  29. Requiring sacrifices to be brought to the door of the tabernacle of the congregation (Leviticus 17:1-9)
  30. The life is in the blood, so no one may eat it (Leviticus 17:10-16)
  31. Various laws forbidding sexual practices and uncovering the near of kin (Leviticus 18:1-30)
  32. Various practical laws with a focus on the authority of the LORD, i.e., “I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:1-37)
  33. Various sins that require capital punishment (Leviticus 20:1-27)
  34. Requirements for the priests’ families (Leviticus 21:1-24)
  35. Requirements to be ceremonially clean for the priests (Leviticus 22:1-33)
  36. Introduction to the feasts of the LORD and their sacrificial requirements (Leviticus 23:1-2)
  37. The Sabbath Day (Leviticus 23:3)
  38. The Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-8)
  39. The Feast of the Firstfruits (Leviticus 23:9-14)
  40. The Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15-21)
  41. Requiring the corners to not be reaped to allow for gleaning (Leviticus 23:22)
  42. The Feast of Trumpets (Leviticus 23:23-26)
  43. The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27-32)
  44. The Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23:33-44)
  45. Instructions on the pure oil for the lamps (Leviticus 24:1-4)
  46. Instructions on the shewbread (Leviticus 24:5-9)
  47. A man blasphemes the name of the LORD and is stoned (Leviticus 24:10-23)
  48. Instructions on the Sabbath Year (Leviticus 25:1-7)
  49. The Year of Jubile (Leviticus 25:8-22)
  50. The laws on redeeming land and houses (Leviticus 25:23-34)
  51. Instructions on bondservants (Leviticus 25:35-55)
  52. God promises blessing for keeping His commandments (Leviticus 26:1-13)
  53. God promises cursing for not doing His commandments (Leviticus 26:14-46)
  54. God explains the estimation of vows (Leviticus 27:1-34)


  1. The LORD orders the first census (Numbers 1:1-54)
  2. Tribal layout of the camp in the wilderness (Numbers 2:1-34)
  3. The Levites are separated for service (Numbers 3:1-13)
  4. The numbering of the Levites and their responsibilities (Numbers 3:14-39)
  5. The numbering of the firstborn males of Israel and the difference of 273 were redeemed (Numbers 3:40-51)
  6. The sons of Kohath’s procedures for handling the tabernacle furniture and implements (Numbers 4:1-20)
  7. The sons of Gershon’s procedures for handling the tabernacle curtains and hangings (Numbers 4:21-28)
  8. The sons of Merari’s procedures for handling the tabernacle board, pillars, and sockets (Numbers 4:29-33)
  9. The sons of Levi numbered (Numbers 4:34-49)
  10. The unclean are put out of the camp (Numbers 5:1-4)
  11. Instruction of one who commits a trespass (Numbers 5:5-10)
  12. Instructions of when a man has a spirit of jealousy (Numbers 5:11-31)
  13. The law of the Nazarite (Numbers 6:1-21)
  14. The Aaronic benediction (Numbers 6:22-27)
  15. The princes of the tribes of Israel’s offerings to dedicate the altar, and Moses hears the voice speaking from the mercy seat (Numbers 7:1-89)
  16. Aaron lights the lamps of the candlestick (Numbers 8:1-4)
  17. The cleansing of the Levites (Numbers 8:5-26)
  18. The children of Israel keep the Passover the second year (Numbers 9:1-5)
  19. Instruction on those defiled by a dead body keeping the Passover (Numbers 9:6-14)
  20. The cloud leads the Israelites through the wilderness (Numbers 9:15-23)
  21. The two trumpets (Numbers 10:1-10)
  22. The children leave the wilderness of Sinai for the wilderness of Paran according to the LORD’s commandment (Numbers 10:11-36)
  23. The LORD judges the complaining of the people at Taberah (Numbers 11:1-3)
  24. The people desire meat, the 70 are chosen and receive the Spirit, the people are plagued (Numbers 11:4-35)
  25. Aaron and Miriam speak against Moses because of his Ethiopian wife (Numbers 12:1-16)
  26. The 12 spies are sent out to survey the land and bring an evil report (Numbers 13:1-33)
  27. The congregation reject the promised land, and they are condemned to the wilderness 40 years (Numbers 14:1-45)
  28. Offerings to be offered when they come into the land (Numbers 15:1-29)
  29. Those who sin intentionally to suffer the death penalty (Numbers 15:30-31)
  30. The man picking up sticks on the sabbath executed (Numbers 15:32-36)
  31. The LORD commands the children of Israel to where fringes on garment borders so that they will remember Him and His commandments (Numbers 15:37-41)
  32. Korah’s rebellion (Numbers 16:1-50)
  33. The budding of Aaron’s rod (Numbers 17:1-13)
  34. The Levites will help the priests in their service (Numbers 18:1-7)
  35. The portion given to the priests (Numbers 18:8-19)
  36. The priests and the Levites have no inheritance (Numbers 18:20-32)
  37. The red heifer and the water of separation (Numbers 19:1-10)
  38. Instructions of cleansing for touching a dead body (Numbers 19:11-22)
  39. Miriam dies (Numbers 20:1)
  40. Israel speak against Moses because there is no water, and Moses strikes the rock he is supposed to speak to (Numbers 20:2-13)
  41. Edom rejects Israel’s request to travel through their land (Numbers 20:14-21)
  42. Aaron dies in Mount Hor and Eleazar succeeds him (Numbers 20:22-29)
  43. Israel vows to the LORD concerning defeating Arad the Canaanite (Numbers 21:1-3)
  44. Israel speaks against God, God sends the fiery serpents, Moses makes the serpent of brass for their deliverance (Numbers 21:4-9)
  45. Israel sojourns and receives water (Numbers 21:10-20)
  46. Israel defeats Sihon king of the Amorites (Numbers 21:21-30)
  47. Israel defeats Og king of Bashan (Numbers 21:31-35)
  48. Balaam goes to Balak to prophesy and is confronted by the Angel of the LORD (Numbers 22:1-35)
  49. Balaam meets Balak and sees the people (Numbers 22:36-41)
  50. Balaam blesses Israel twice (Numbers 23:1-29)
  51. Balaam blesses Israel a third time (Numbers 24:1-13)
  52. Balaam prophesies of Israel in the latter days and the Star that would come from them (Numbers 24:14-25)
  53. Israel commits whoredom with Moab and Phineas turns the wrath away from Israel (Numbers 25:1-18)
  54. The LORD orders the second census (Numbers 26:1-65)
  55. The daughters of Zelophehad and daughters’ inheritance when there are no sons (Numbers 27:1-11)
  56. Moses to die on Mount Abarim, and Joshua son of Nun to succeed him (Numbers 27:12-23)
  57. Daily morning and evening offerings defined (Numbers 28:1-8)
  58. The Sabbath day offerings (Numbers 28:9-10)
  59. Monthly offerings (Numbers 28:11-15)
  60. Offerings for the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread (Numbers 28:16-25)
  61. Offerings for the Day of Firstfruits (Numbers 28:26-31)
  62. Offerings for the Feast of Trumpets (Numbers 29:1-6)
  63. Offerings for the Day of Atonement (Numbers 29:7-11)
  64. Offerings for the Feast of Tabernacles (Numbers 29:12-40)
  65. Vows of men and of women (Numbers 30:1-16)
  66. The war against the Midianites and the division and offerings of the spoil (Numbers 31:1-54)
  67. The tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh to settle on east side of Jordan (Numbers 32:1-42)
  68. The journeyings of Israel from Egypt to Canaan (Numbers 33:1-49)
  69. The LORD commands the people to drive out the inhabitants of Canaan (Numbers 33:50-56)
  70. The LORD describes the borders of the land and appoints those who will divide the land (Numbers 34:1-29)
  71. Instructions concerning the land for the Levites and the cities of refuge (Numbers 35:1-8)
  72. Laws concerning murder, manslaughter, and the cities of refuge (Numbers 35:9-24)
  73. The daughters that inherit must marry within their tribe (Numbers 36:1-13)


  1. Moses begins his instruction and remembrance (Deuteronomy 1:1-8)
  2. Moses delegates his authority as judge (Deuteronomy 1:9-18)
  3. Remembrance of the spies sent to Canaan and their rebellion (Deuteronomy 1:19-46)
  4. The LORD commands the people to go through the coast of Esau (Deuteronomy 2:1-8)
  5. Instruction concerning the Moabites (Deuteronomy 2:9-12)
  6. The people move toward the brook Zered, which took 38 years (Deuteronomy 2:13-15)
  7. The people pass through Ar of Moab (Deuteronomy 2:16-19)
  8. Discussion on giants that lived in the land (Deuteronomy 2:20-23)
  9. Israel defeats Sihon king of Heshbon (Deuteronomy 2:24-37)
  10. Israel defeats Og king of Bashan and distribution of the eastern tribal lands (Deuteronomy 3:1-20)
  11. The LORD denies Moses entrance to the land, Joshua will lead the people (Deuteronomy 3:21-29)
  12. Warning about obedience to the LORD and recalling His faithfulness and miracles (Deuteronomy 4:1-40)
  13. The eastern cities of refuge defined (Deuteronomy 4:41-49)
  14. The Ten Commandments and the people fear God’s voice (Deuteronomy 5:1-33)
  15. The Shema and the greatest commandment (Deuteronomy 6:1-6)
  16. The LORD commands that His words be taught continuously to their children (Deuteronomy 6:7-25)
  17. The LORD commands the people to not covenant with or have compassion on the nations of Canaan (Deuteronomy 7:1-26)
  18. The forty years in the wilderness served to humble the LORD’s people and a warning against pride (Deuteronomy 8:1-20)
  19. The LORD gives the land to the people because of His promises to the patriarchs as He recalls the rebellions of the people (Deuteronomy 9:1-29)
  20. The LORD writes the commandments on two new tables of stone (Deuteronomy 10:1-5)
  21. The death of Aaron (Deuteronomy 10:6-7)
  22. The separation of the tribe of Levi (Deuteronomy 10:8-11)
  23. Exhortation to follow the commandments (Deuteronomy 10:12-22)
  24. Moses speaks to the generation that saw the miracles in Egypt and the wilderness (Deuteronomy 11:1-9)
  25. The bounty of the land that the LORD provides for (Deuteronomy 11:10-25)
  26. Blessing and cursing dependent on obedience and the proposal of mounts Gerizim and Ebal (Deuteronomy 11:26-32)
  27. Rejecting pagan worship and serving only in the place the LORD chooses (Deuteronomy 12:1-32)
  28. The death penalty to and destruction for false prophets and apostate cities (Deuteronomy 13:1-18)
  29. Rejecting pagan practices concerning the dead (Deuteronomy 14:1-2)
  30. The definition of clean and unclean beasts (Deuteronomy 14:3-21)
  31. Instruction on tithes and the exchanging for money when far from the place of sacrifice (Deuteronomy 14:22-29)
  32. Instructions concerning tithing and the poor (Deuteronomy 15:1-11)
  33. Instructions concerning Hebrew servants (Deuteronomy 15:12-18)
  34. Instructions concerning the firstling males of the flock (Deuteronomy 15:19-23)
  35. Instructions concerning the Passover (Deuteronomy 16:1-8)
  36. Instructions concerning the Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16:9-12)
  37. Instructions concerning the Feast of Tabernacles (Deuteronomy 16:13-15)
  38. The men to appear three times a year in the LORD’s approved place (Deuteronomy 16:16-17)
  39. Judges to judge righteously (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)
  40. Rejecting groves and idols (Deuteronomy 16:21-22)
  41. Death penalty to those who break the covenant to do wickedly (Deuteronomy 17:1-7)
  42. The priests and Levites to judge difficult cases (Deuteronomy 17:8-13)
  43. Appointing kings and their duties (Deuteronomy 17:14-20)
  44. What is due the Levites (Deuteronomy 18:1-5)
  45. Levites from abroad can serve the LORD in His appointed place (Deuteronomy 18:6-8)
  46. Instructions concerning those in the occult (Deuteronomy 18:9-14)
  47. The LORD shall raise up a Prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-22)
  48. Establishing cities of refuge for the manslayer and executing murders (Deuteronomy 19:1-13)
  49. Forbidding the moving of landmarks (Deuteronomy 19:14)
  50. Treating false witnesses as you would treat the accused (Deuteronomy 19:15-21)
  51. Instructions when going to battle (Deuteronomy 20:1-20)
  52. Instructions when a dead body is found (Deuteronomy 21:1-9)
  53. Instructions on marrying a captive from war (Deuteronomy 21:10-14)
  54. Instructions on the firstborn when a man has two wives (Deuteronomy 21:15-17)
  55. The stubborn and rebellious son (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
  56. The curse of one hanging from a tree (Deuteronomy 21:22-23)
  57. Sustaining a brother’s property (Deuteronomy 22:1-4)
  58. Dressing as the opposite sex is an abomination (Deuteronomy 22:5)
  59. Instructions when finding a bird and her nest (Deuteronomy 22:6-7)
  60. Battlement for the roof of a new home (Deuteronomy 22:8)
  61. Forbidding sowing vineyards with different seeds (Deuteronomy 22:9)
  62. Forbidding unequally yoking the plow (Deuteronomy 22:10)
  63. Forbidding the garment of diverse materials (Deuteronomy 22:11)
  64. Fringes on garments (Deuteronomy 22:12)
  65. Accusing a new wife of not being a virgin (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
  66. Instructions on adultery, rape, and fornication (Deuteronomy 22:22-30)
  67. Those who are forbidden entering the congregation of the LORD (Deuteronomy 23:1-8)
  68. Purity when going out to war (Deuteronomy 23:9-14)
  69. Forbidding the return of runaway slaves (Deuteronomy 23:15-16)
  70. Forbidding whores and sodomites (Deuteronomy 23:17-18)
  71. Usury is only for foreigners (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)
  72. Quickly repaying vows (Deuteronomy 23:21-23)
  73. Limited eating allowed in a neighbor’s field (Deuteronomy 23:24-25)
  74. The bill of divorcement (Deuteronomy 24:1-4)
  75. The newly marries is free from much business for a year (Deuteronomy 24:5)
  76. Millstones cannot be a pledge (Deuteronomy 24:6)
  77. Kidnapping gets capital punishment (Deuteronomy 24:7)
  78. Reminder of properly handling leprosy (Deuteronomy 24:8)
  79. Laws concerning pledges for debt (Deuteromomy 24:9-13)
  80. Quickly paying hired servants on the day of their service (Deuteronomy 24:14-15)
  81. Fathers and children not to be put to death for each other’s sins (Deuteronomy 24:16)
  82. Forbidding perverting judgment for the stranger, fatherless, or widow (Deuteronomy 24:17-18)
  83. Leaving forgotten harvest in the field for gleaning (Deuteronomy 24:19-22)
  84. Laws concerning stripes (Deuteronomy 25:1-3)
  85. Forbidding the muzzling of an ox when treading corn (Deuteronomy 25:4)
  86. Instructions on levirate marriages (Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
  87. Law about a woman delivering her husband in a fight (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
  88. Laws against diverse weights (Deuteronomy 25:13-16)
  89. Vengeance against the Amalekites (Deuteronomy 25:17-19)
  90. What to say when the firstfruits are presented (Deuteronomy 26:1-11)
  91. What to say when bringing in tithes the third year (Deuteronomy 26:12-15)
  92. God’s people a peculiar people and to walk in His ways (Deuteronomy 26:16-19)
  93. Mount Ebal to have an altar and stones with the Law written on it (Deuteronomy 27:1-8)
  94. The people to bless from Mount Gerizim and to curse from Mount Ebal (Deuteronomy 27:9-26)
  95. The blessings of obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)
  96. The cursing of disobedience (Deuteronomy 28:15-68)
  97. The LORD commands Moses to make a covenant with the children of Israel other than the one at Sinai (Deuteronomy 29:1-29)
  98. The LORD to turn the captivity of Israel after they repent (Deuteronomy 30:1-10)
  99. The Word of God is not far away (Deuteronomy 30:11-20)
  100. Moses to die and Joshua to lead the people against the nations of Canaan (Deuteronomy 31:1-15)
  101. Introduction to the Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 31:16-30)
  102. The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:1-43)
  103. Moses entrusts the song to Joshua, and prepares to die on Mount Abarim (Deuteronomy 32:44-52)
  104. Moses blesses the 12 tribes (Deuteronomy 33:1-29)
  105. Moses sees the promised land (Deuteronomy 34:1-4)
  106. Moses dies and is buried in Moab by the LORD (Deuteronomy 34:5-9)
  107. The uniqueness of Moses (Deuteronomy 34:10-12)


  1. The LORD commands and exhorts Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9)
  2. Joshua commands the people (Joshua 1:10-18)
  3. Joshua sends the spies who are delivered by Rahab (Joshua 2:1-7)
  4. Rahab testifies of the LORD and the spies make an agreement with her (Joshua 2:8-24)
  5. The waters of Jordan divide by the priests with the ark (Joshua 3:1-17)
  6. The 12 men establish the 12-stone memorial and the waters of the Jordan are restored (Joshua 4:1-18)
  7. Israel establishes camp at Gilgal (Joshua 4:19-24)
  8. The next generation of Israelites are circumcised (Joshua 5:1-9)
  9. Israel keeps the Passover and the manna ceases (Joshua 5:10-12)
  10. Joshua bows before the Captain of the LORD’s host (Joshua 5:13-15)
  11. The LORD gives instructions on how to defeat Jericho and the city falls (Joshua 6:1-27)
  12. Achan takes of the accursed things at Jericho and Israel is defeated at Ai (Joshua 7:1-26)
  13. The LORD gives instructions on how to defeat Ai and Ai falls (Joshua 8:1-29)
  14. The altar is erected on Mount Ebal and the people pronounce the blessings on Ebal and Gerizim (Joshua 8:30-35)
  15. Israel makes peace and swears an oath regarding the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:1-27)
  16. Israel defeats the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon, kings of the south (Joshua 10:1-43)
  17. Israel defeats Hazor and the areas of the north (Joshua 11:1-20)
  18. Israel defeats the Anakims (Joshua 11:21-23)
  19. The list of the defeated kings (Joshua 12:1-24)
  20. The remaining land to conquer (Joshua 13:1-6)
  21. The dividing of the eastern tribes (Joshua 13:7-33)
  22. Israel to divide the land (Joshua 14:1-5)
  23. The inheritance of Caleb (Joshua 14:6-15)
  24. The inheritance of Judah (Joshua 15:1-63)
  25. The inheritance of Ephraim (Joshua 16:1-10)
  26. The inheritance of Manasseh west of the Jordan (Joshua 17:1-13)
  27. The tribes of Joseph request more land, and Joshua responds (Joshua 17:14-18)
  28. Admonition to possess the land (Joshua 18:1-9)
  29. The inheritance of Benjamin (Joshua 18:10-28)
  30. The inheritance of Simeon (Joshua 19:1-9)
  31. The inheritance of Zebulun (Joshua 19:10-16)
  32. The inheritance of Issachar (Joshua 19:17-23)
  33. The inheritance of Asher (Joshua 19:24-31)
  34. The inheritance of Naphtali (Joshua 19:32-39)
  35. The inheritance of Dan (Joshua 19:40-48)
  36. The inheritance of Joshua the son of Nun (Joshua 19:49-51)
  37. The cities of refuge established (Joshua 20:1-9)
  38. The cities of the Levites (Joshua 21:1-45)
  39. The altar of the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh (Joshua 22:1-34)
  40. Joshua’s warning to the people (Joshua 23:1-16)
  41. Joshua recalls the LORD’s faithfulness while in Shechem and the people promise to serve the LORD (Joshua 24:1-28)
  42. Joshua and Eleazar die (Joshua 24:29-33)


  1. Israel fights against the Canaanites but could not drive them all out (Judges 1:1-36)
  2. The LORD says the Canaanites will not be driven out (Judges 2:1-6)
  3. The people served the LORD, but their children did not (Judges 2:7-15)
  4. The LORD appoints judges to deliver His people (Judges 2:16-23)
  5. The nations that remained, and the people intermarried with them and served their gods (Judges 3:1-7)
  6. Othniel delivers Israel from Chushanrishthaim king of Mesopotamia (Judges 3:8-11)
  7. Ehud delivers Israel from Eglon king of Moab (Judges 3:12-30)
  8. Shamgar defeats the Philistines (Judges 3:31)
  9. Deborah and Barak defeat Sisera’s army (Judges 4:1-17)
  10. Jael defeats Sisera (Judges 4:18-22)
  11. Jabin king of Canaan destroyed (Judges 4:23-24)
  12. The song of Deborah and Barak (Judges 5:1-31)
  13. Midian and Amalek subdue Israel and destroy their increase (Judges 6:1-10)
  14. The angel of the LORD goes to Gideon (Judges 6:11-24)
  15. Gideon, called Jerubbaal, throws down the altar of Baal (Judges 6:25-32)
  16. Gideon gathers an army and receives the miracles of the fleece (Judges 6:33-40)
  17. The LORD reduces Gideon’s army to 300 men (Judges 7:1-8)
  18. Gideon is encouraged by the dream and interpretation (Judges 7:9-15)
  19. Gideon scatters and defeats the enemies, including Midianite princes Oreb and Zeeb (Judges 7:16-25)
  20. Gideon pursues kings of Midian Zebah and Zalmunna, yet they were not assisted by Succoth or Penuel (Judges 8:1-9)
  21. Gideon defeats the Midianite host (Judges 8:10-12)
  22. Gideon avenges himself at Succoth and Penuel (Judges 8:13-17)
  23. The deaths of Zebah and Zalmunna (Judges 8:18-21)
  24. Gideon makes an ephod and dies (Judges 8:22-32)
  25. The people forget Gideon and worship false gods (Judges 8:33-35)
  26. Abimelech son of Gideon destroys his brothers and becomes king (Judges 9:1-6)
  27. The curse of Jotham son of Gideon (Judges 9:7-21)
  28. The reign of Abimelech and the rebellion of Gaal and the men of Shechem (Judges 9:22-49)
  29. Abimelech dies at Thebez (Judges 9:50-57)
  30. Tola judges Israel (Judges 10:1-2)
  31. Jair judges Israel (Judges 10:3-5)
  32. The children of Israel worship false gods but return to the LORD after oppression (Judges 10:6-18)
  33. Jephthah is rejected by his brothers (Judges 11:1-3)
  34. Jephthah called to lead Gilead against the Ammonites (Judges 11:4-11)
  35. Jephthah corresponds with Ammon concerning the nature of the acquiring the land Sihon (Judges 11:12-28)
  36. The Spirit of the LORD comes of Jephthah and defeated the Ammonites, with Jephthah swearing an oath (Judges 11:29-33)
  37. Jephthah fulfills his oath with his daughter (Judges 11:34-40)
  38. Gilead wars with Ephraim (Judges 12:1-7)
  39. Ibzan judges Israel (Judges 12:8-10)
  40. Elon judges Israel (Judges 12:11-12)
  41. Abdon judges Israel (Judges 12:13-15)
  42. The angel of the LORD appears to Manoah and his wife telling of the birth of their son Samson (Judges 13:1-25)
  43. Samson to marry a Philistine woman, but his companions figure out his riddle (Judges 14:1-20)
  44. Samson avenges himself on the Philistines by fire and slaughter (Judges 15:1-8)
  45. Judah surrenders Samson to the Philistines but Samson defeats the Philistines with an ass jawbone (Judges 15:9-17)
  46. The LORD provides water for Samson from the jawbone (Judges 15:18-20)
  47. Samson escapes the Philistines at Gaza (Judges 16:1-3)
  48. Delilah discovers the weakness of Samson and he is captured (Judges 16:4-25)
  49. Samson defeats many Philistines in his death (Judges 16:26-31)
  50. Micah and his mother make an idol and hire a Levite to be their priest (Judges 17:1-13)
  51. The Danites take Laish, taking Micah’s Levite and idols with them (Judges 18:1-31)
  52. The men of Gibeah abuse and kill the Levite’s concubine (Judges 19:1-30)
  53. The Levite summons the men of Israel to retaliate against Gibeah (Judges 20:1-13)
  54. Civil war begins, Benjamin versus the rest of Israel (Judges 20:14-48)
  55. Israel finds wives for the remnant of Benjamin from Jabeshgilead and the feast in Shiloh (Judges 21:25)


  1. Elimelech, Naomi, and their sons settle in Moab during the famine, and the men die (Ruth 1:5)
  2. Ruth returns with her mother-in-law Naomi to Bethlehem (Ruth 1:6-22)
  3. Ruth gleans in Boaz’s fields (Ruth 2:1-17)
  4. Naomi tells Ruth that Boaz is a near kinsman (Ruth 2:18-23)
  5. Ruth goes to Boaz in the threshingfloor (Ruth 3:1-18)
  6. Ruth redeems all that pertains to Elimelech (Ruth 4:1-12)
  7. Boaz marries Ruth, and Ruth has a son Obed, who is the forefather of king David (Ruth 4:13-22)

1 Samuel

  1. Hannah is grieved that she is barren and vows a vow (1 Samuel 1:1-18)
  2. Hannah has her son Samuel (1 Samuel 1:19-28)
  3. Hannah praises the LORD and Samuel serves before Eli (1 Samuel 2:1-11)
  4. The sins of Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phineas (1 Samuel 2:12-17)
  5. Samuel serves before the LORD (1 Samuel 2:18-21)
  6. Eli scolds his sons (1 Samuel 2:22-26)
  7. The prophet tells Eli that the LORD will slay Eli’s sons, and his descendants will die young because of the sins of his household (1 Samuel 2:27-36)
  8. The LORD tells young Samuel of what would become of Eli’s household (1 Samuel 3:1-21)
  9. The Philistines defeat Israel and capture the ark of the covenant (1 Samuel 4:1-11)
  10. Eli dies upon hearing the loss of the ark (1 Samuel 4:12-22)
  11. The ark causes devastating illness in Philistia and destroys the Dagon idol (1 Samuel 5:1-12)
  12. The Philistines send the ark to Bethshemesh with an offering (1 Samuel 6:1-12)
  13. The people of Bethshemesh offer an offering before the Lord for the return of the ark; were destroyed for looking in the ark (1 Samuel 6:13-21)
  14. The men of Kirjathjearim fetched the ark and kept it 20 years (1 Samuel 7:1-2)
  15. The people turn back to the LORD (1 Samuel 7:3-6)
  16. The LORD defeats the Philistines at Ebenezer (1 Samuel 7:7-12)
  17. Samuel judges Israel (1 Samuel 7:13-17)
  18. Israel requests a king despite the consequences (1 Samuel 8:1-22)
  19. Saul and his servant seek for the lost asses (1 Samuel 9:1-10)
  20. Saul goes to Samuel at the feast (1 Samuel 9:11-27)
  21. Saul is anointed king (1 Samuel 10:1-8)
  22. Saul returns home (1 Samuel 10:9-16)
  23. Samuel presents Saul as king in Mizpeh (1 Samuel 10:17-27)
  24. Saul and Israel defeat Nahash and the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11:1-15)
  25. Samuel shows the people their sin and reviews their history (1 Samuel 12:1-25)
  26. Saul offers a burnt offering contrary to the commandment of the LORD (1 Samuel 13:1-14)
  27. The Philistines’ power over Israel (1 Samuel 13:15-23)
  28. The LORD uses Jonathan and his armorbearer to defeat the Philistines (1 Samuel 14:1-23)
  29. Saul’s oath and Jonathan’s eating of the honey (1 Samuel 14:24-46)
  30. King Saul fights enemies on every side (1 Samuel 14:47-52)
  31. Saul disobeys the terms of completely destroying the Amalekites and is rejected as king (1 Samuel 15:1-35)
  32. David is chosen as Saul’s successor (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
  33. David plays the harp for Saul (1 Samuel 16:14-23)