The World That Let Me Down


It is time to walk away from the world and burn the bridge behind us. Friendship of the world is enmity with God, but we keep going to the broken cisterns, remaining thirsty. We are freely offered living water by Jesus Christ, but we INSIST on returning to the toilet. We find momentary solace in the mundane, the vain, and the vile. It is gluttony, it is lust, it is pornography, it is tv and movies. There is little to no virtue in the entertainment and the arts; it is all sex, violence, and witchcraft. Everything is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Yet we love it all. Why? Because we think that these things will fill a perceived emptiness. But Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father save by him. And in the Father we find our purpose, for we were created by him, and for his purposes. We exist because of him, so if we do not live for him, we will inevitably live with great disharmony between what we say we believe and what we practice.

Do we believe that Jesus, God in the flesh, died for our sins? Do we believe in his subsequent resurrection and hope of eternal life? Then why is there disconnect between faith and practice? If I know there is a fire in the house, I will be sure to get my family and myself out of the house! Knowledge of something, in this case, the fire, prompts us to action. But there is another fire. Where is the action?