Jehoahaz King of Israel


Jehoahaz son of Jehu succeeded his father. He followed the ways of Jeroboam. Therefore, the king and the people were delivered into the hands of Hazael and Benhadad kings of Syria. This brought the king to cry out to the LORD. The LORD hearkened unto him:

And the LORD gave Israel a saviour, so that they went out from under the hand of the Syrians: and the children of Israel dwelt in their tents, as beforetime (2 Kings 13:5)

We do not know who the savior was, but it really does not matter. The LORD is the real Savior.

They never turned away from the gods of Jeroboam, and their army was left decimated.

Why do we seek the Lord when we are weak? Why do we forget Him when we are strong? We are always weak, no matter how we feel. Weakness keeps us humble, and the next trial is right around the corner. Seek the LORD, even in the “strong” times.

This is a part of the Kings of Israel series. To go back to the table of contents, proceed here.