Frugal Living


Advice to those who want to save money. I do many of the things on this list, and it is very helpful.

  1. No junk food.
  2. No booze, smoking, etc, ever. These are stupid, expensive, and harmful to you.
  3. No eating out. Especially those expensive and useless coffee shops.
  4. Know where the cheapest gas stations are.
  5. If you can avoid driving, do it.
  6. Unplug appliances when not in use (even with a power strip, because of lightning strikes/power surges that can often destroy your stuff anyway). These items use power when not in use.
    1. Microwave oven (is the little clock worth it, especially since you probably have clocks elsewhere?)
    2. Television/VCR/DVD (better yet, do not watch)
    3. Computer/Internet modem
  7. Read library books instead of buying books. If you have a Kindle, etc. get the old classics where there is no copyright or the copyright is expired: free!
  8. Thrift stores, yard sales, Good Will, used stuff, hand-me-downs, etc. for clothes (and other things). If you are in the splurging mood (or require new for some reason), then Walmart!
  9. Do not use credit cards, use cash only. Know ahead of time the exact amount of money you are allotted each pay period. Budget. It should go without saying: DO NOT SPEND MORE MONEY THAN YOU EARN!
  10. If you have debt, get rid of it as soon as possible. Pay extra when possible to get it out of the way the fastest. Read more on debt.
  11. Do not have cable TV (or Netflix, Satellite TV, etc.). Do not go to the movies ever. These are expensive time-wasters at best, and at worst, rot your brain!
  12. If you do not need Internet at home (such as needing it for work/communication), get rid of it, and use the library.
  13. Do not own a car that only takes premium gas. Personal pet peeve.
  14. Do not own any SUV/truck/[fill in with your favorite gas guzzler here] unless it is necessary with your family size, business, etc.
  15. Dry clothes outside.
  16. Nursing babies instead of baby formula.
  17. Never get a pet: expensive to feed, expensive vets, makes mess/ruins stuff in the house, a liability (someone can get bitten or even claim they were bit when you were not aware of it)
  18. High deductibles on your insurance (500 or more). Do not claim cosmetic damage to your house or car when no other party was involved. Rates do go up, because insurance companies are in the business of making money, not philanthropy.
  19. Stick to a shopping list.
  20. Turn off the lights when not in a room.
  21. Do not subscribe to magazines (which are 90% ads).
  22. Woodstove/fireplace for heat in the winter. Lower your heat and raise your air conditioning temperatures.
  23. Make more food on a given night and eat leftovers a few nights. Bring leftovers to work for lunch the next day, and do not eat out.
  24. Cut your own hair.
  25. Education: community college and state schools only. No loans, work your way through. Major in something that is needed by society and has promise (another article in itself, do research). Young people: if your parents agree to it, live at home and commute, no dorms/apartments.
  26. If you exercise, do not use a gym membership. Run, push-ups, etc.
  27. Buy generic brands, not name brands in most things.
  28. No bottled water.
  29. If it is clearly a luxury, whatever it is, do not buy it.
  30. Set a small sum into a savings account every pay. A day will come when you need it.
  31. Drink water rather than other beverages. No carbonated drinks.
  32. No jewelry. A lot of money for nothing. 1 Timothy 2:9-10.