Of the Rest Durst No Man Join Himself to Them (Acts 5:13)


And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them. (Acts 5:13)

The Spirit tells us this after two people died after lying about the proceeds from their sold lands. This happened while many other miracles were performed. So many lauded the signs performed which undoubtedly included healings of many (cf. Acts 5:15). But consider what today’s churches would look like if the Lord slew everyone who committed sin in the church? So many would think twice before going this Sunday morning.

How dire it is to continue in Christ. How enlightening it is to know how God feels about sin entering the congregation of the holy. How zealous the Lord is in keeping His people holy. But the best we can do is “hospital for sinners.” There is definitely grace, but we must be careful not to take advantage of that grace that saved us.

Jesus came to save sinners from the fires of hell and to be more than conquerors over sin. Let us consider ourselves this morning before we enter the church of God, the pillar and ground of truth.