More Than Appearance


I always enjoy story characters in whom there is more than their appearance. Consider some of these famous movie characters. How about the goatherder exchange student who really was a prince? Or how about the disheveled raincoat-wearing detective who outsmarted all the crooks? Or how about the newspaper man who turned out to be the greeting card entrepreneur? Or my favorite, the seemingly lazy millionaire who really was a superhero saving his city from an axis spy ring?

Historically, I always liked these types of characters because I secretly wanted to be like them. Maybe there is nothing striking about my appearance or personality, but maybe there was something intrinsic about me that added value to the world. Or perhaps I was more like the famous French detective, who might receive many accolades but really was clueless as he bumbled through his life.

The interesting thing is that the Bible is filled with people who were ordinary at best but really were the history makers. God constantly used people like Gideon and Jael who were nobodies that performed God’s will.

Most of all, the Son of God purposely was born in obscurity, but in His poverty, He redeemed the world.

So consider this. The more obscure and weak you are, the more likely God will use you to perform His perfect will.