Gospel Minute 2: All Have Sinned


Yesterday, we saw how God is the Creator-Owner of the universe. As human beings who are supposed to serve God for His pleasure 100 percent of the time, we come short. The Scripture says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Here, as it often does, the Bible interprets itself by restating itself. To sin is to come short of the glory of God. To sin is to miss the mark, or the standard that God has for us. More severely, it is like we are subjects to a great King, but we are in active rebellion against Him. Sins are acts of rebellion against a God that has a standard of perfection for us. No matter how hard we try, we come short of His standards. We never live perfectly for Him.

This is the beginning of what it means to sin, but the news gets worse before it gets better.

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