Pursuing Jesus


In Mark 2, you remember the story... the story of the paralytic where his friends uncovered the roof and lowered him down to Jesus, who was teaching the word to the crowd.

Think about this... this was no easy feat, carrying a man, getting him up on the roof, uncovering the roof, and lowering him down. I do not know much about first century architecture. But does it really matter? Think about it though, it doesn’t matter. This was hard!

But they did it to know Jesus. They did it because they knew he was the healer, the forgiver of sins, and the almighty God. When things get tough, do we pursue Jesus in this way? We have to. We have no choice. Because Jesus is a person, and he is God. He is not a subject to be studied; he is not a puppet to manipulate. We need to know him. We have talk to him. We have to pursue him. This is why we are.