He Also is Become My Salvation


“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:2)

God is My Salvation

Though the original context of this verse definitely designates this salvation as his people’s returning from Assyria after captivity (Isaiah 11:16), the obvious corollary is for us today. This is the central thesis of the Christian faith: God is our salvation. We did not or cannot save ourselves: not from hell, from our enemies, or from daily circumstances. God is our savior, or shall I say that Jesus Christ is our savior. Praise God that he saves us, and does not leave us to do the impossible.

I Will Trust, and Not Be Afraid

Also, if we are saved, we know very well that by trusting Christ we are saved. When we believe that he does the saving, we know we can be saved. If we know we are saved, why would we ever be afraid? God is in control of the drama of our lives. He is the author of human history yet to be recorded. If we fear him, we ought not to fear anything else. Since the entire cosmos answers to Jesus Christ, we fear God alone, and no one else.

For the LORD JEHOVAH is My Strength and My Song

The repetition of the LORD’s name (note LORD in all caps followed by the covenantal name Jehovah; it could have been written LORD LORD or JEHOVAH JEHOVAH) shows emphasis that it is the LORD our God that is our strength and our song. We see that he is mighty to save; that is why he is our strength. We have nothing to fear because the LORD is our strength.

Psalm 40:3 reads, “And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.” The song we sing, whatever that may be, praises the subject of the song. As believers, we sing the new song; we praise the living God because in our mortality we could have never done so. According to the psalmist, this song we sing also leads others to fear and trust in God. Trusting God is also salvation.

He Also Is Become My Salvation

We now have returned full circle. He is our salvation, which stimulates faith in him. Since we trust him, we no longer fear the adversary. Since we do not fear those things that once caused us to fear, we have his strength. Since the LORD is our strength, we praise his name in song. That in turn causes others to trust in him and know his salvation.

How beautifully perfect is the Word of God, that such flawless poetry can teach such amazing truths. Jesus Christ is my salvation.