When Part of You Has Died


Over the past few days, it feels as though part of me has died.

I had a hero once. We were good friends in times past, and could talk about anything. He was a spiritual lion in my eyes. I considered him pure in many ways, good and valiant. He stood up for what was right, even when it was not popular.

What do you do when that hero does the unthinkable? We all make mistakes. But what happens when a hero loses everything that makes him heroic?

I am a young person, but when I think about how much has changed since I was a child, it is a sorrowful thing. Everything I have known has been flushed away like garbage. Grandparents have passed away, and there is little sense of any family growing up left except my own parents. The things I used to do in my spare time are long gone. And the hero I once knew, he is gone.

The song remains true, On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand. The only thing constant other than Christ is change. Be careful of what you trust in, because, one day, you will wake up, and it will be gone.

Part of me has died, and it will never be the same.