Notes from Samuel Ridout’s The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Seven Lectures


These are some thoughts and notes from Samuel Ridout’s The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Seven Lectures.

You can download the book here.

  1. Thoughts on the Holy Spirit †2024-06-22
  2. The Office of the Prophet2024-06-23
  3. An Habitation of God2024-06-24
  4. Ye Do Always Resist the Holy Ghost (Acts 7:51)2024-06-25
  5. Of Judgment, Because the Prince of This World Is Judged (John 16:11)2024-06-26
  6. Thoughts on Regeneration and Rebirth2024-06-27
  7. Thoughts on Sealing and Earnest of the Spirit2024-06-28
  8. Speak Ye unto the Rock before Their Eyes (Numbers 20:8)2024-06-29
  9. Communion of the Holy Spirit2024-06-30
  10. Anointing of the Holy Spirit2024-07-01
  11. Praying in the Holy Spirit2024-07-02
  12. Led of the Spirit (Galatians 5:17-18)2024-07-03
  13. So Also Is Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12)2024-07-04
  14. Baptized into One Body (1 Corinthians 12:13)2024-07-05
  15. Unity of the Spirit2024-07-06
  16. Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God (1 Peter 4:10:11)2024-07-07
  17. Worship and the Holy Spirit2024-07-08
  18. The Holy Spirit and Power2024-07-09
  19. Filled with the Spirit: Service2024-07-10
  20. Filled with the Spirit: Joy2024-07-11
  21. Filled with the Spirit: Testimony2024-07-12
  22. Water and the Spirit2024-07-13
  23. Exceeding Greatness of His Power to Us-ward (Ephesians 1:19-23)2024-07-14
  24. Broken Pitchers2024-07-20
  25. Perfect and Purposeful2024-07-21
  26. Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly (1 Timothy 4:1)2024-07-22