He Carried Me Through


I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety. (Psalms 4:8)

For some time, I have been having chest and back pain, which I aggravated again recently. On Wednesday night, I was sitting down, when a tingling sensation went down my arms and to my fingers. This was cause for concern! The sensation went away while standing and walking, so I waited the next day to see any doctor.

That same night, I was laying down to sleep, and I remembered something very important. If I am in Christ, with what could I be concerned? The anxiety faded.

The next day, after being advised to go to the emergency room, I went and received some various tests, such as EKG, blood and urine tests, and a chest x-ray. All normal. Possible pinched nerve. Praise the Lord.

I tell you this for a few reasons.

  1. God is good and deserves public credit for that goodness. The lament psalms often end with a vow of praise.
  2. Remember that the Lord is in control. He allows all things to happen. The outcome may not be what we want. He works with eternity in perspective.
  3. Keep life in perspective. What is important to you? Who are the important people in your life? Events like this are reminders of these things.
  4. Have people pray. I had some brothers pray for me. It was a blessing to have friends available to help in times of need.

I am grateful for another seemingly small event that the Lord has carried me through. In so many such events, He has been my fortress and shield. When I am weak, He is strong.