It Is (Really) Finished


As Jesus died, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). For us, this is a multifaceted deep statement that takes forever to unpack.

There is not another sacrifice to pay for our sins. Our guilt is gone, and handwriting of ordinances against us has been taken out of the way, and we have peace with God. Furthermore, the sinner has been crucified with Christ. We are accepted in the beloved and blessed with every spiritual blessing. We lack nothing in the riches of His grace.

So why such discontentment? As I look at my experience, I do not see the fruit of the Word made flesh. However, this is because I look with my eyes instead of my faith. I am crucified with Him; I am seated with Him. I was born again of the incorruptible Seed, and that Seed will produce His plant that will bear much fruit. That branch will produce what the true Vine has given it.

Jesus of Nazareth accomplished it all and the sinner is dead. Christ’s life is what’s left.