Not of This World


“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” (Matthew 18:36)

Jesus told this to Pilate, an earthly governor of Judaea.

A couple of years ago, before 2010 mid-term elections in the U.S., a man stood up in church and told us to remember that our kingdom was not of this world, implying either to avoid voting, or just not place as much importance in elections.

A few years later, I was among some other Christians who, like many others, were dismayed at the disturbing apostasy occurring in our country. He basically said that we needed to start voting for every Christian candidate to change our country’s course.

Worldly, fleshy means will not do anything to save people in America. Even if there are candidates out there who really are Christian, what good will it do if they get elected? America is not Christ’s kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world. Every other kingdom will fade away.

I cannot stress enough that our hope is not is not in the politicians. It is not in the government. It is not in anything that this world has to offer. We cannot accept an earthy, star-spangled, Republican Jesus who wants to make this life better. We cannot afford to trust in a Jesus made in our image. We need the real Jesus whose kingdom is not of this world.

Jesus came to supersede the hopelessness of this life. He died on the cross, but he arose in the newness of life... and we share in that newness.