King and Vassal


During much of the time in the days of Micah, there was great corruption, ill-gotten gain, and false prophets. God called of his people to recall what good he had done for the house of Israel, such as their deliverance from Egypt. But God also told his people to examine what he really requires from them.

Sacrifices were required of his people. There were regular burnt offerings as well as grain and drink offerings that were necessary. There were festivals required and the Sabbaths to keep. The people knew the right things to do, but the prophet in Micah 6:8 talks about a state of mind and lifestyle that was also necessary: to act justly, love mercy, and walk with God humbly. People that do all the right things yet lack this have made no sacrifice at all.

Much like those days, we live in a similar society that loves money and idolizes security. Frankly, who doesn’t? We all can buy into ephemeral luxury and lose sight of the eternal. But walking with God is the life God wants from us. Remember Enoch and Noah, who “walked with God.” Micah adds “humbly” because a walk with God, despite any other seemingly godly living, is always humble.

We can talk with Jesus like a friend does with a friend. But we cannot forget our friend is a king. As vassals we still need to honor the king, and not treat his words lightly. We need to be champions of the weak and live righteously, just as Jesus walked. Ask him to change us to this mindset today. I am.