Doth He Not Speak Parables? (Ezekiel 20:49)


Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! they say of me, Doth he not speak parables? (Ezekiel 20:49)

After the Lord pronounced judgment on Judah while giving some hope, Ezekiel exclaims this. The people thought all this foreboding prophecy was only figurative in nature, and they dismissed it as parables.

There are two main types of interpretation in the Bible: literal and figuratively literal. The parables tell a Spiritual truth, and while true, they are metaphorical or figurative in nature. Jesus often taught with parables. However, people often take literal truth and make it a parable. People do it with the book of Genesis all the time. The people in Ezekiel’s day made the same mistake.

There is a judgment coming again. We cannot dismiss it as if it were not coming. Call on the name of the Lord while you still can.