Search the Scriptures (John 5:39)


There is a phrase out there, which goes like this: To miss the forest for the trees. One can be so involved in some of the details that the same does not consider the larger situation. This summarizes many who heard Jesus during His short ministry.

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. (John 5:39)

So many were intimately familiar with the finer details of the law that they had no idea that it all points to one person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Don’t let this be lost on us. We might know the details of the life of Christ and theology, and have all the facts right, but not know the person, Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth is not a subject to study; He is a person to know. Don’t miss this. It is good to search the Scriptures. We need to search them and see that they point to a living Man, the Son of God, who knows us, and will return soon.