The Shout of a King (Numbers 23:21)


He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them. (Numbers 23:21)

While Balaam did wickedly in seeking reward and money, he told the truth concerning Israel and their coming Messiah. Here is an example. He said that the Lord has not seen iniquity or perverseness in Israel. We know what kind of rebellion the Israelites had both before and after this statement. This is clearly an end times statement where God’s people would be sinless because of Christ.

Moreover, the Lord is with them. What is this shout of a king? The Word of God is proclaimed like a trumpet and alarm among His people. This should cause His enemies to fear. At the time, even the prophet feared enough not to curse God’s people. You cannot fight God and those whom He calls His own.

Jesus Christ is the Shout of a King.