The Day of Adversity (Proverbs 24:10)


I think everyone who reads this knows that we live in a very different country than we did even ten years ago. Part of it has to do with circumstances beyond anyone’s control, like the pandemic. Other things include the general increase in wickedness. There is increase of strife and division between political factions. Churches are departing from Biblical teachings. There has been an increase of violence, including attempted insurrection and “autonomous zones.” In foreign affairs, we see the revival of the Cold War era and rising powers abroad cause no little concern. How many times have you thought over the past few years, “This may be the end of our society”?

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. (Proverbs 24:10)

We do not know all that will be in the future. We are in times that require drastic humility and dependence on the Lord. Find your strength in Him. Be ready for evil days.