Another Chance


As a new Christian in 1996, everything spiritual was very new and exciting. The excitement of being saved was fresh in my mind. I definitely did not have a lot figured out, but life was new and it was exciting.

On Christmas Eve that year, I was four months old in the faith. I was about to go to church with some friends. When my mother said goodbye, I had a strange, brief feeling that I would never see her again, as if I were going to die. The rest of the evening, I really did not give it much thought.

On the way home, I was a passenger in the front seat of the vehicle. It was raining and dark out. As we came over a hill, a car was suddenly stopped in front of us. Then it hit me... this was the end. I grasped the door handle as we slid and side-swiped two vehicles.

Praise the Lord, nobody was injured. The vehicle I was in was totaled. I remember an axle or something was broken, and the wheel was actually turned in a spot it definitely should not have been!

But I am still here. Do you remember a time that you were supposed to die, but you survived? Live like today is your last day. Treat and appreciate people like it is the last day you will see them. Praise God for another day to live and serve Him. Share Jesus Christ with other people.