Impending Judgment


“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” (Jeremiah 8:20)

Jeremiah prophesied during the time of impending judgment on the kingdom of Judah. Throughout his time recording the words of the Lord, Jeremiah also records his emotions as he reflects on God’s word. Naturally, the Spirit inspired all of Jeremiah’s writings in the Bible, so it is God’s groaning from inside Jeremiah’s heart.

Nearly 2600 years later, we also know that the Lord will judge the nations of the earth. But their judgment will not be by the armies of Babylon, but by the Lord Himself. When the people gather to make war with Jesus, His words will destroy them all. God loves the people of the world, but His holiness demands justice on those who have not trusted in Him.

But where the destruction of the future will be worse than in Jeremiah’s day, the salvation will be far greater. Habakkuk said “the just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4) when the armies of Babylon were coming, and the same applies to us. If we trust in Him, we will avoid God’s wrath, and know eternal life in Him.

These are precarious times we live in. There are people everywhere without knowledge of Him, never giving thought to the reality that they may not see tomorrow. The Bible speaks plainly that the future will get much worse before it gets better. Remember what times we live in, where we are going, and why. Whatever it is we do, we must live as ambassadors of Jesus so that the world can know we are His.