Death Is the Way Out


Sin requires an exactly equal penalty. “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” (Exodus 21:24). The punishment must fit the crime: no more, no less. The penalty is death. Once death had been administered, sin has lost its penalty and power; otherwise, sin would be greater than its death penalty. Its claims have been nullified and satisfied in Jesus Christ, and our death with Him. “Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him” (Romans 6:9).

Therefore, we can say that we are dead to sin in our unity in Christ. Sin may be very alive to me, barking its orders. But, praise the Lord, I am dead to sin in Christ, and now I must walk in this truth.

We do not have to wait until we physically die! We have died once to sin in Christ, and in Him nearly 2,000 years ago. Oh, it has been a long time coming. It is not that we want to be satisfied continually falling into sin. We just did not know the way out. Death is the way out--His death, which is also our death.

Do I or will I believe perfectly? No. I don’t believe in sinless perfectionism. But I do believe in Christ perfectionism. Abiding in Him will yield the fruit that comes from Him.