Digging on the Roof (Mark 2:4-5)


And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. (Mark 2:4-5)

When Jesus was in Capernaum one day, He preached to a full house with a line out the door. However, four men knew the only way to get their paralytic friend to Jesus was to get on the roof, dig a hole, and lower him down to Jesus. They did that. Their friend received both healing and forgiveness.

It is worth it to do what it takes to get yourself and other people to Jesus.

Here is the simple reality: We all have offended the God who created us, which is the cause of eternal death. Since the plight of humanity was hopeless, God Himself provided our remedy by sending His precious Son Jesus to receive the wrath for our sin. This Jesus truly died and truly rose from the dead. Everyone who puts their confidence in Him shall also rise from the dead and have eternal life.

The blood of Christ was shed for us all. It removed any barrier between us and God. No adversary can accuse us before God because the blood of Christ was sufficient. If it is sufficient for God forever, then it needs to be sufficient for us also. We no longer look within ourselves to please God; Jesus the Savior did what we could never do.

That is why we say again, whatever obstacle that stands between us and Jesus, we must remove it and get to Him. Whatever stops you from believing in Christ must be thrust out of the way.