Continued All Night in Prayer to God (Luke 6:12)


And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. (Luke 6:12)

The Lord prayed all night on this occasion. Though He was the Son of God, He very much was also the Son of Man, who needed sleep. However, there were times He went without sleep.

What did He pray for? Well, the subsequent verses tell us that the next day, He appointed the 12 apostles. They would be sent out to preach the Gospel and do amazing things in the power of God; surely, they needed much prayer.

Jesus’ reliance on the Father is unmatched; if the Savior needed a strong prayer life, how much more do we? Yet I have not done well in prayer, which has made me an independent person, relying on my own non-existent strength.